

Distance measurements of cooperative communication emitters based on LFMCW


针对加速运动目标参数估计中,离散多项式变换方法无法进行非整数估计的问题,本文提出基于瑞夫算法的离散多项式变换法和基于Chirp-Z变换的离散多项式变换法 2 种新型离散多项式变换算法,对加速运动目标速度和加速度进行估计,并对 2 种算法的估计误差和计算量进行了分析比较.结果表明:2 种算法在信噪比-20 dB时均方误差开始接近克拉美罗界.基于瑞夫算法的离散多项式变换法与3 次迭代基于Chirp-Z变换的离散多项式变换法均可在较低信噪比下可实现任意频率的有效估计且性能接近,二者均可实现低信噪比下速度、加速度的有效估计,但基于瑞夫算法的离散多项式变换法计算量远小于 3 次迭代基于Chirp-Z变换的离散多项式变换法.

With the goal of addressing the problem in which discrete polynomial transformation methods cannot per-form noninteger estimation in the parameter estimation of accelerating motion targets,this paper proposes two new discrete polynomial transformation algorithms:the discrete polynomial transformation method based on the RIFE al-gorithm(RDPT)and the discrete polynomial transformation method based on the Chirp-Z transformation(CDPT).The velocity and acceleration of accelerated moving targets are estimated,after which the estimation error and cal-culation amount of the two algorithms are analyzed and compared.The results show that the mean square errors of the two algorithms approached the Cramelo boundary when the signal-to-noise ratio(SNR)is-20 dB.The RDPT and the three-iteration CDPT can achieve an effective estimation of arbitrary frequency with similar performance under low SNR,and both can achieve an effective estimation of speed and acceleration under low SNR.However,the calculation amount of the RDPT is much less than that of the 3-iteration CDPT.


哈尔滨工程大学 信息与通信工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001



linear frequency modulated continuous wave(LFMCW)parameter estimationdiscrete polynomial transformation method(DPT)communication radiation source rangingacceleration estimationvelocity estima-tionCramelo boundarysignal-to-noise ratio

《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 2024 (003)

496-503 / 8


