

Functional Orientation and Spatial Response of Coastal Zone Under Territorial Spatial Planning:Taking Shanghai coastal zone as an example


海岸带规划作为国土空间规划体系中的唯一涉海规划,不仅要对海岸带地区进行陆海统筹综合管控,而且要对海岸带地区的发展进行战略功能引导,以适应海洋强国建设的蓝色发展要求.文章分析新一轮国土空间规划对海岸带规划的新要求,提出海岸带规划进行功能定位和空间响应的规划策略和方法;结合上海海岸带发展实际,从多维战略对接、区域功能耦合、未来发展趋势应对 3 个方面谋划海岸带功能定位,提出海岸带"三心二市"的功能内涵;在此基础上提出海岸带空间响应策略,主要包括对接国土空间分层逻辑、海洋功能区划和岸线区段功能耦合、开放式分圈层分区划分、落实核心功能诉求.

As the only sea-related plan in the territorial spatial planning system,coastal zone planning should not only carry out overall land and sea control,but also guide coastal zone's development with stra-tegic functions,so as to meet the blue growth requirements of the maritime power.This paper analyzed the new requirements of the new territorial spatial planning for coastal zone planning,and put forward the planning methods and strategies for functional positioning and spatial response of coastal zone planning.Based on the actual development of Shanghai coastal zone,the functional positioning of"three centers and two cities"was proposed from three aspects of multi-dimensional strategic docking,regional functional coupling and future development trend judgment.On this basis,the coastal zone spatial response strategy were proposed,such as docking territorial spatial stratification logic,marine function zoning and shoreline function coupling,open zonal zoning,and implementation of core function appeals.


上海社会科学院城市与人口发展研究所 上海 200020



The coastal zoneTerritorial spatial planningFunction positioningSpatial response

《海洋开发与管理》 2024 (002)

62-70 / 9

