

A low-power transmitter driver for die to die


面向UCIe协议提出的芯粒间互连标准,设计与实验了一种面向芯粒(Chiplet)间互连的低功耗发射机驱动.该驱动电路采用了SST电压模驱动器,功耗仅为CML电流模驱动器结构的 1/4.此外,该驱动电路基于可调前馈均衡技术,针对不同的信道衰减调整均衡强度,采用去加重均衡的方式提高发射信号质量,最终降低码间干扰.本文设计采用CMOS 28 nm工艺设计,前端仿真结果表明,在 0.9 V电压供电时,最大均衡强度为-3.7 dB,当 32 Gbps的NRZ信号通过 21 mm的信道时(16 GHz奈奎斯特频率处衰减为-2.37 dB),选择合适均衡强度后,输出波形眼图眼高为 253 mV(71.8%),眼宽为 27 ps(87%),仿真功耗仅为 4.0 mW.

A low-power transmitter driver for chiplet interconnection was designed and experimental-ly implemented based on the inter-chip interconnection standard proposed by the UCIe protocol.The driver circuit adopts a source series terminated(SST)driver,whose power consumption is only 1/4 that of the current mode logic(CML)structure.In addition,based on adjustable feedforward equalization technology,the driver circuit adjusts the equalization strength for different channel attenuations.By de-emphasizing equalization,it enhances the quality of the transmitted signal,ultimately reducing inter-symbol interference.This circuit was designed under CMOS 28 nm process.The front-end simulation results show that the maximum equalization intensity is-3.7 dB when the 0.9 V voltage is supplied.When the 32 Gbps NRZ signal passes through the 21 mm channel(the attenuation at the 16 GHz Nyquist frequency is-2.37 dB),after adjusting the appropriate equalization intensity,the eye height of the output waveform eye diagram is 253 mV(71.8%),the eye width is 27 ps(87%),and the simula-tion power consumption is only 4.0 mW.


国防科技大学计算机学院,湖南 长沙 410073



Chipletfeedforward equalizer(FFE)source series terminated(SST)driverserDestransmitter

《计算机工程与科学》 2024 (004)

599-605 / 7


