

Application of Curve-Fitting Algorithm in Leakage Control of Courtyard Pipelines in High-Rise Residential Communities


供水管网作为城镇最重要的基础设施之一,在长期运行中由于种种原因,经常出现漏损现象,尤其是庭院管网暗漏,具有成因复杂、不易察觉、漏失时间长、漏失量大等特点,给供水企业造成不可估量的损失.控制管网漏损率成为供水行业长期以来亟需探讨的课题,而作为"最后一公里"的二次供水的庭院管网漏损往往被水司、物业所忽视.文中提出一种"曲线吻合度"算法,以大数据为基础支撑,利用计算机技术,实现对庭院管网漏损的精准预判.结合某水司 3 年多的应用实践,证实该算法对漏损事件的预判具有准确性和实用性,为降低庭院管网漏损提供有效的技术支撑.

Water supply pipe networks serve as vital infrastructures in urban and rural areas.However,leakage issues offen appear during prolonged operation.Among these concerns,dark leakage within the garden pipe network stands out as a complex and elusive problem,characterized by a multitude of causes,challenging detection,prolonged leakage periods,and substantial water loss.These characteristics result in immeasurable losses for water supply enterprises,making the control of pipe network leakage a pressing and longstanding issue in the water supply industry.Regrettably,the leakage within the garden pipe network,considered the"last mile"of the secondary water supply,has often been overlooked by water companies and property management firms.To address this problem,this paper proposed a novel"curve fit"algorithm,which leveraged big data and computer technology to achieve accurate prediction of garden pipe network leakage events.The algorithm's effectiveness was demonstrated through its application and validation over a span of more than three years by a water supply company.The results show the algorithm's accuracy and practicality in predicting leakage events,providing invaluable technical support to effectively mitigate courtyard pipe network leakage.


唐山市自来水有限公司,河北唐山 063000



secondary water supplyleakage of courtyard pipelinesbig datadouble moving averagecurve-fitting degree

《净水技术》 2024 (004)

190-201 / 12

