Study on the Influence of Active Rubber Powder Content on the Performance of Modified Asphalt Pavement
为提升胶粉改性沥青的路用性能,文中采用煎炸废油对废旧轮胎胶粉进行活化处理,研究不同掺量活化胶粉下改性沥青的综合性能,将其与未经活化处理的胶粉改性沥青进行比较.结果显示,经过煎炸废油活化的活化胶粉改性沥青能够显著改善其高温稳定性、低温抗裂性、弹性恢复性以及施工和易性;当活化胶粉掺量达到 20%时,改性沥青的综合路用性能最佳.因此,活化胶粉改性沥青可为道路路面施工提供更好的选择.
In order to improve the road performance of rubber powder modified asphalt,this article uses frying waste oil to activate the waste tire rubber powder,and studies the comprehensive performance of modified asphalt under different dosages of activated rubber powder.It is compared with the unmodified rubber powder modified asphalt.The results showed that activated rubber powder modified asphalt activated by frying waste oil can significantly improve the high-temperature stability,low-temperature crack resistance,elastic recovery,and construction workability of rubber powder modified asphalt;When the amount of activated rubber powder reaches 20%,the comprehensive road performance of modified asphalt is optimal.Therefore,activated rubber powder modified asphalt can provide a better choice for road surface construction.
山西铁道职业技术学院,山西 太原 030013
Rubber powder modified asphaltFrying waste oilActivated rubber powderRoad performance
《江西建材》 2024 (2)