Research on Tensile Mechanical Properties of Aircraft Seat Belt Webbing
航空安全带是保障乘员安全的关键部件,为研究航空安全带织带的拉伸力学性能,利用电子万能实验机,开展了AM SAFE安全带织带在 6.35 mm/min、30 mm/min、152.4 mm/min加载速率、160 mm、254 mm标距段尺寸、以及考虑二次加载影响下的拉伸性能实验,并基于实验结果,采用区段式、有限元、混合式3 种安全带建模方法,模拟并对比了安全带织带的拉伸过程.结果表明:安全带织带迟滞效应明显,耗能作用显著;其拉伸力学特性受加载速率影响很小,受标距段尺寸影响较大,与加载次数密切相关;3 种建模方式均能较好地表征安全带织带的拉伸力学性能.
Aircraft seat belt is a key component to ensure the safety of passengers.In order to study the tensile mechanical properties of aircraft seat belt webbing,the tensile performance experiments of the AM SAFE seat belt webbing were carried out with the electronic universal testing machine under the loading rates of 6.35 mm/min,30 mm/min,152.4 mm/min,and the gauge segment sizes of 160 mm and 254 mm,and considering the influence of secondary loading.Moreover,three types of seat belt modeling methods,known as the segment belt,the finite element belt,the hybrid belt,were respectively used to simulate and compare the stretching process of seat belt webbing based on the experimental results.The results show that the hysteresis effect of the seat belt webbing is obvious,and the energy dissipation effect is significant;its tensile mechanical properties are little affected by the loading rate,but are greatly affected by the size of the gauge length,and are closely related to the loading times;all three modeling methods can better characterize the tensile mechanical properties of the seat belt webbing.
中国飞机强度研究所,西安 710065||结构冲击动力学航空科技重点实验室,西安 710065中国飞机强度研究所,西安 710065||结构冲击动力学航空科技重点实验室,西安 710065中国飞机强度研究所,西安 710065||结构冲击动力学航空科技重点实验室,西安 710065中国飞机强度研究所,西安 710065||结构冲击动力学航空科技重点实验室,西安 710065中国飞机强度研究所,西安 710065||结构冲击动力学航空科技重点实验室,西安 710065
aircraft seat beltmechanical propertiessize effectsecondary loadingnumerical simulation
《机械科学与技术》 2024 (4)