

Study on Yield and Interspecific Relationship of Legume-grass Mixtures under Dry Farming Conditions


为了研究豆—禾混播组合产量与其种间的关系,采用随机区组设计,在旱作条件下对沙打旺(Astragalus laxmannii)、百脉根(Lotus corniculatus)、小冠花(Coronilla varia)、无芒雀麦(Bromus inermis)和披碱草(Elymus dahuricus)进行了3种草种的9个混播组合和5个单播处理,并对混播组合和单播处理的株高、产量和草种之间竞争关系进行了研究,结果表明:沙打旺+百脉根+无芒雀麦(ALB)混播处理的3种草种的株高均高于其单播时的株高,干草产量显著高于其他处理.混播对豆科株高的影响较大,对禾本科株高的影响较小,混播并不能提高其所有组合的产量.当豆∶禾=2∶1时,豆科表现出受种内的竞争压力大于种间,即豆科牧草受到禾本科牧草的抑制;当豆∶禾=1∶2时,禾本科表现出受种内的竞争压力大于种间,禾本科牧草受到豆科牧草的抑制.

In order to investigate the yield and interspecific relationship of legume-grass mixtures under dry farming conditions,the random block design was used to study the yield and interspecific relationship of Astragalus laxmannii,Lotus corniculatus,Coronilla varia,Bromus inermis and Elymus dahuricus.The plant height,yield and interspecific competition of grass species were studied of nine mixed-sowing combinations and five single-seeding treatments.The results showed that the plant heights of A.laxmannii+L.corniculatus+B.inermis(ALB)were higher than those of the single sowing.The hay yield was significantly higher than that of the other treatments,Mixed sowing had a greater effect on the plant height of legumes and a less effect on the plant height of Gramineae,and did not increase the yield of all combinations.When the legume-grass ratio was 2∶1,Legume showed more intraspecific competition pressure than the interspecific competition pressure,that is,the legume herbage was inhibited by grasses.When the legume grass ratio was 1∶2,Gramineae showed more intraspecific competition pressure than the interspecific competition pressure,and grasses were inhibited by legume herbage.


山西省林业和草原工程总站,山西 太原 030012山西省气候中心,山西 太原 030006



Dry farmingMixed sowingYieldInterspecific relationshipLegume-grass ratio

《江西农业学报》 2024 (002)

13-17,26 / 6


