

Study on the optimum proportioning of coal rock similar materials based on orthogonal experiment


目的 为了探寻煤岩相似材料最优配比,方法 以赵固一矿煤样的自然视密度、单轴抗压强度、弹性模量为模拟指标,采用正交设计法开展相似材料配比试验.选用碳酸钙、水泥、细河砂、煤粉、蒸馏水为原料,以骨料与胶结剂质量比、胶结剂成分间质量比、骨料成分间质量比和掺水率为控制因素,按照4因素3水平正交配比方案制备了9组相似材料.结果 试验结果表明:不同配比下相似材料物理力学参数变化较大,各因素对模拟指标影响规律性强,且骨胶比对相似材料各模拟指标起控制作用,自然视密度、单轴抗压强度、弹性模量均随骨胶比增加而显著下降.通过多元线性回归分析得到相似材料最优配比为碳酸钙∶水泥∶河砂∶煤粉∶水=1∶4∶0.9∶5.8∶3.3,经验证,使用该配比制作的试样在物理力学参数、单轴压缩曲线和破坏形态上能够很好地模拟原煤.结论 该研究采用理论与试验相结合的方法寻找最优配比有效可行,可为煤岩相似材料领域研究提供一定借鉴.

Objectives To explore the optimal ratio of similar materials of coal rock,Methods the natural apparent density,uniaxial compressive strength,and modulus of elasticity of coal samples from Zhao Gu I mine were used as simulation indexes,and the orthogonal design method was used to carry out the similar material ra-tio test.Calcium carbonate,cement,fine river sand,coal powder,and distilled water were selected as raw ma-terials,and nine groups of similar materials were prepared according to a 4-factor,3-level orthogonal propor-tioning scheme,using the aggregate to binder mass ratio,the binder inter-component mass ratio,the aggre-gate inter-component mass ratio,and the water blending rate as the control factors.Results The test results show that the physical and mechanical parameters of similar materials vary greatly under different ratios,and the effect of each factor on the simulated indexes is regular,and the bone and glue ratio plays a control-ling role on the simulated indexes of similar materials,and the natural apparent density,uniaxial compres-sive strength and elastic modulus all decrease significantly with the increase of the bone and glue ratio.The optimal ratio of similar materials was obtained by multivariate linear regression analysis as calcium carbon-ate∶cement∶river sand∶coal dust∶water=1∶4∶0.9∶5.8∶3.3,and it was verified that the specimens made by this ratio could simulate the raw coal well in terms of physical and mechanical parameters,uniaxial com-pression curves and damage morphology.Conclusions This research adopted a combination of theoretical and experimental methods which is effective and feasible to find the optimal ratio,and can provide some ref-erence for the research in the field of coal rock similar materials.


河南理工大学 土木工程学院,河南 焦作 454000河南理工大学 土木工程学院,河南 焦作 454000河南理工大学 土木工程学院,河南 焦作 454000



similar materialorthogonal testsensitivity analysismultiple linear regression

《河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (2)



