

Optimal allocation of goaf water quality utilization in old goaf based on differential evolution algorithm


大部分矿井水污染程度低,稍加处理即可供饮用、工业、农业、生态等使用.焦作煤田吴村矿旧采空区水可供水量为718 m3/h,矿区周围饮用、电厂、灌溉、养殖、生态等用户需水量为1 073.74 m3/h,旧采空区水仅能满足66.87%的用水需求;旧采空区水需处理达标后才能供给用户,不同用户的水处理工艺和费用差异较大,依据水质优化配置旧采空区水量具有重要意义.目的 为了实现矿井排水综合利用效益最大化,方法 以焦作煤田吴村矿旧采空区水为研究对象,在计算其供水量和分析水质基础上,结合矿区周围饮用、电厂、灌溉、养殖、生态需水量及水质要求,构建 718 m3/h旧采空区水分质利用优化配置数学模型,并利用差分进化算法求解.结果 结果表明:灌溉期分配饮用水6.00 m3/h、电厂用水334.95 m3/h、灌溉用水353.89 m3/h、养殖用水19.76 m3/h、生态用水3.40 m3/h;非灌溉期分配饮用水6.00 m3/h、电厂用水688.84 m3/h、灌溉用水0 m3/h、养殖用水19.76 m3/h、生态用水3.40 m3/h时,旧采空区水分质利用年收益最大.结论 研究结果可为类似矿井旧采空区水和矿井排水资源化利用提供借鉴.

Most mine water has low pollution levels and can be used for drinking,industry,agriculture,ecol-ogy,and other purposes with slight treatment.The water supply in the old goaf of Wucun Mine in Jiaozuo Coalfield is 718 m3/h,and the water demand for drinking,power plants,irrigation,aquaculture,ecology and other users around the mining area is 1 073.74 m3/h.The water in the old goaf can only meet 66.87%of the water demand;The water in the old goaf needs to be treated to meet the standards before it can be supplied to users.There are significant differences in water treatment processes and costs among different users.Opti-mizing the allocation of water in the old goaf based on water quality is of great significance.Objectives In order to maximize the benefits of comprehensive utilization of mine drainage,Methods the water in the old goaf of Wucun Mine in Jiaozuo Coalfield was taken as the research object.Based on the calculation of avail-able goaf water supply and water quality analysis combined with the requirements of drinking water,power plants,irrigation,aquaculture,ecological water demand and water quality around the mining area,a math-ematical model for optimal allocation of 718 m3/h goaf water quality utilization was established,and the dif-ferential evolution algorithm was used to solve the model.Results The results showed that during irrigation period,drinking water reached 6.00 m3/h,power plant consumed 334.95 m3/h,irrigation consumed 353.89 m3/h,aquaculture consumed 19.76 m3/h and ecology consumed 3.40 m3/h;during non irrigation period,drinking water reached 6.00 m3/h,power plant consumed 688.84 m3/h,irrigation consumed 0 m3/h,aquacul-ture consumed 19.76 m3/h and ecological water reached 3.40 m3/h,the annual return on water quality utili-zation in the old goaf was the highest.Conclusions The research results will provide a reference for the re-source utilization of water in similar mine goaf areas and mine drainage.


河南焦煤能源有限公司 古汉山矿,河南 焦作 454100河南理工大学 资源环境学院,河南 焦作 454000河南理工大学 资源环境学院,河南 焦作 454000河南焦煤能源有限公司 古汉山矿,河南 焦作 454100河南理工大学 资源环境学院,河南 焦作 454000河南理工大学 资源环境学院,河南 焦作 454000||河南理工大学 中原经济区煤层(页岩)气河南省协同创新中心,河南 焦作 454000||河南理工大学 煤炭安全生产与清洁高效利用省部共建协同创新中心,河南焦作 454000



differential evolution algorithmgoaf waterquality utilizationoptimal allocation

《河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (2)



