A study on precise nitrogen fertilization in drip irrigation cotton field under film in Xinjiang based on meta-analysis
[目的]明确施氮对棉花产量及其构成因子的影响,并为氮肥的精量施用及棉花高产提供理论借鉴.[方法]以新疆膜下滴灌棉田为研究对象,采用元分析(meta-analysis,meta分析)和通径分析,研究不同施氮量、施氮方案、气候条件等对棉花产量的综合效应及影响机制.[结果]与不施氮相比,施氮能显著提高棉花产量,增产效应为43.38%.施氮量为360~480 kg·hm-2时,对棉花的增产效应最大;施氮量超过此范围,棉花产量不再显著增加,本研究推荐的经济施氮量为360~420kg·hm-2.基肥20%,追肥80%且按照6%、8%、22%、25%、12%、7%的比例随水滴施6次的施氮方案对棉花的增产效应最大.对于年蒸发量>2 000mm、年降水量<60mm、年日照时间<2 864 h、年有效积温>4 000 ℃、无霜期>200 d的地区,且土壤为砂质土、土壤初始有机碳含量<5.8 g·kg-1、初始速效氮含量≤ 60 mg·kg-1的棉田,施氮的增产效应最明显.通径分析结果表明,施氮通过提高土壤硝态氮含量,从而增加棉花叶面积指数,对棉花产量的提升贡献最显著.[结论]建议新疆植棉区施氮量为360~420kg·hm-2,采用上述优化方案合理施氮,可以实现膜下滴灌棉田的高产并降低环境风险.
[Objective]The effect of nitrogen application on cotton yield and its constituent factors is clarified,aiming to provide theoretical reference for the precise application of nitrogen fertilizer and high cotton yield.[Methods]The comprehensive effects and influencing mechanisms of different nitrogen application rates,nitrogen application schemes,and climatic conditions on cotton yield are studied by meta-analysis and path analysis in Xinjiang.[Results]Compared with no nitrogen application,nitrogen application could significantly increase cotton yield with 43.38%.Nitrogen application of 360-480 kg·hm-2 had the greatest effect on cotton yield.Nitrogen application exceeding this range no longer increased cotton yield significantly,and the recommended economic nitrogen application rate in this study was 360-420 kg·hm-2.The nitrogen application scheme of 20%of basic fertilizer,80%of supplementary fertilizer and 6 times of drip application with water at the rate of 6%,8%,22%,25%,12%,and 7%had the greatest effect on cotton yield.The greatest yield increase was achieved by the nitrogen fertilization program.The most obvious effect of nitrogen application was found in cotton fields with annual evaporation>2 000 mm,annual precipitation<60 mm,annual sunshine time<2 864 h,annual effective cumulative temperature>4 000 ℃,and frost-free period>200 d,and in fields with sandy soil,initial soil organic carbon content<5.8 g·kg-1,and initial soil available nitrogen content ≤60 mg kg-1.The results of the pathway analysis showed that nitrogen application contributed most significantly to the enhancement of cotton yield by increasing the soil nitrate nitrogen content,thereby increasing the cotton leaf area index.[Conclusion]It is suggested that nitrogen application rate of 360-420 kg·hm-2 with the above optimization scheme should be used in Xinjiang cotton area to achieve high cotton yield and reduce environmental risk in drip irrigation cotton fields under film.
塔里木大学水利与建筑工程学院,新疆阿拉尔 843300||塔里木大学现代农业工程重点实验室,新疆阿拉尔 843300北京城市学院,北京 100193塔里木大学水利与建筑工程学院,新疆阿拉尔 843300||塔里木大学现代农业工程重点实验室,新疆阿拉尔 843300塔里木大学水利与建筑工程学院,新疆阿拉尔 843300塔里木大学水利与建筑工程学院,新疆阿拉尔 843300塔里木大学水利与建筑工程学院,新疆阿拉尔 843300塔里木大学水利与建筑工程学院,新疆阿拉尔 843300塔里木大学水利与建筑工程学院,新疆阿拉尔 843300||塔里木大学现代农业工程重点实验室,新疆阿拉尔 843300
precise nitrogen applicationnitrogen application schemedrip irrigation cotton under filmcotton yieldmeta-analysispath analysis
《棉花学报》 2024 (1)