Study on the niche mechanism of weeds in cotton field under drip-irrigated and machine-harvested in North Xinjiang
[目的]探究新疆北疆滴灌机采棉田杂草生态位机理.[方法]运用七级目测法调查了新疆北疆5个地区(新疆生产建设兵团第八师143团、145团和147团,昌吉市,奎屯市)25个滴灌机采棉田样点的杂草优势度等级,依据优势度等级转换为重要值,进而计算出主要杂草(20种)的生态位宽度及重叠值;依据20种主要杂草的优势度及生态位重叠值,采用去趋势对应分析(detrended correspondence analysis,DCA)排序和最小生成树法(图论聚类分析),制作反映杂草生态学相似关系的排序图和最小生成树.[结果]田旋花、藜、反枝苋、龙葵、芦苇、狗尾草、苘麻、野西瓜苗和稗的实际生态位较宽,是新疆北疆滴灌机采棉田的优势种群(恶性杂草).龙葵与藜、苘麻与反枝苋、野西瓜苗与稗、反枝苋与稗等杂草间的生态位重叠值较大,对资源的竞争较为激烈.依据生态位重叠值的大小关系制作的最小生成树中,20种主要杂草被分为4组.在25个样点中,针对20种主要杂草的综合生态需求DCA排序表明:9种恶性杂草几乎都聚集于排序图中央,与居于排序图周边的一般杂草区分较为明显,且20种主要杂草的DCA排序图与最小生成树对应关系较好.[结论]随着滴灌年限的增加,龙葵、田旋花、藜等9种恶性杂草的优势度值与滴灌年限之间存在极显著或显著的回归关系,其中除田旋花、狗尾草2种杂草的优势度值与滴灌年限之间存在极显著的非线性回归关系外,其他7种杂草的优势度值与滴灌年限之间存在极显著的线性回归关系.
[Objective]The aim of this study was to investigate the niche mechanism of weeds in drip-irrigated and machine-harvested cotton fields in North Xinjiang,China.[Methods]A seven-stage visual survey was conducted to investigate the degree of dominance about weeds in 25 cotton fields under drip-irrigated and machine-harvested in 5 regions(143rd corps,145th corps,and 147th corps of the 8th Division of The Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,Changji city,Kuytun city)of North Xinjiang.According to the degree of dominance,the important value,the niche breadth,and niche overlap values of 20 main weeds were calculated.The ecological similarity were revealed by detrended correspondence analysis(DCA)sorting.And minimum spanning tree of graph theory cluster analysis were drawn on the basis of the niche overlap value.[Results]The results show that Convolvulus arvensis,Chenopodium album,Amaranthus retroflexus,Solanum nigrum,Phragmites australis,Setaria viridis(L.)Beauv.,Abutilon theophrasti Medicus,Hibiscus trionum,and Echinochloa crusgalli with wide niche breadth are the dominant species(malignant weeds)in drip-irrigated and machine-harvested cotton fields in North Xinjiang.The niche overlap values of S.nigrum and C.album,A.theophrasti and A.retroflexus,H.trionum and E.crusgalli,A.retroflexus and E.crusgalli are higher,implying that these weeds may fiercely compete for resources.Based on the relationship between niche overlap values,minimum spanning tree were produced to reflect the similar ecological needs of related weeds.The 20 kinds of main weeds were divided into 4 groups in the minimum spanning tree.In the 25 sites,the integrated ecological demands of 20 kinds of main weeds were sorted by DCA.The results showed that the 9 kinds of malignant weeds clustered in the center of DCA,which are obviously different from those general weeds around DCA.DCA results corresponded well to the minimum spanning tree.[Conclusion]With the increase of years of drip irrigation,there was a extremely significant or significant regression relationship between the dominance values of above mentioned 9 kinds of malignant weeds and years of drip irrigation.There were significant nonlinear regression relationships between their dominant values of C.arvensis and S.viridis and years of drip irrigation,while there were extremely significant linear regression relationships between the dominant values of other 7 kind of malignant weeds and years of drip irrigation.
商丘学院风景园林学院,河南商丘 476000安阳学院,河南安阳 455000石河子大学生命科学学院,新疆石河子 832003
cottonweedsdrip irrigationnicheminimal spanning treedetrended correspondence analysis
《棉花学报》 2024 (1)