Effects of Different Remediation Measures on the Restoration of Degraded Grassland
[目的]探讨不同修复措施对退化草地的恢复效果.[方法]以内蒙古通辽市扎鲁特旗境内的中、重度退化草地为研究对象,采用围封(TW)、围封+补播(TB)、围封+补播+施肥(TBS)3 项措施进行修复.以外围放牧样地作为对照(CK),于 2016-2019 年连续监测并比较不同修复措施下退化草地的植被高度、盖度、地上生物量.[结果]2016-2019 年,TW、TB、TBS处理的植被高度、盖度、地上生物量均显著(P<0.05)高于放牧(CK)处理;修复当年(2016 年),TB和TBS处理的植被高度、盖度、地上生物量均显著(P<0.05)高于TW处理,并且TBS处理的植被高度、盖度显著(P<0.05)高于TB处理;2017 年,TBS处理的植被高度和地上生物量显著(P<0.05)高于TW和TB处理,TB和TBS处理的植被盖度显著(P<0.05)高于TW处理;2018 年,TB和TBS处理的植被地上生物量显著(P<0.05)高于TW处理,TBS处理的植被地上生物量显著(P<0.05)高于TB处理;2019 年,TB和TBS处理的植被盖度和地上生物量显著(P<0.05)高于TW处理.[结论]围封、围封+补播、围封+补播+施肥 3 项措施对中、重度退化草地都表现出较好的修复效果,以围封+补播+施肥的修复效果最佳.
[Objective]This study was conducted to assess the effects of different remediation measures on the restoration of degraded grassland.[Method]A restoration trial with three measures,including enclosure(TW),enclosure+supplementary sowing(TB),and enclosure+supplementary sowing+fertilization(TBS),was performed on the moderately and severely degraded grasslands in Jarud Banner,Tongliao City,Inner Mongolia.Using the peripheral grazing plots as control(CK),the vegetation height,coverage and above-ground biomass of the degraded grasslands were continuously monitored and compared under different remediation measures from 2016 to 2019.[Result]During the whole monitoring period,the vegetation height,coverage and above-ground biomass of TW,TB and TBS treatments were all significantly(P<0.05)higher than those of CK.In the current year of restoration(2016),the vegetation height,coverage and above-ground biomass of TB and TBS treatments were significantly(P<0.05)higher than those of TW treatment,and the vegetation height and coverage of TBS treatment were significantly(P<0.05)higher than those of TB treatment.In 2017,the vegetation height and above-ground biomass of TBS treatment were significantly(P<0.05)higher than those of TW and TB treatments,and the vegetation coverage of TB and TBS treatments was significantly(P<0.05)higher than that of TW treatment.In 2018,the vegetation above-ground biomass of TB and TBS treatments was significantly(P<0.05)higher than that of TW treatment,and the vegetation above-ground biomass of TBS treatment was significantly(P<0.05)higher than that of TB treatment.In 2019,the vegetation coverage and above-ground biomass of TB and TBS treatments were significantly(P<0.05)higher than those of TW treatment.[Conclusion]The remediation measures of enclosure,enclosure +supplementary sowing,and enclosure +supplementary sowing +fertilization all had good restoration effects on moderately and severely degraded grasslands,with enclosure+supplementary sowing+fertilization having the best restoration effect.
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degraded grasslandremediation measurerestoration effectenclosuresupplementary sowingfertilization
《畜牧与饲料科学》 2024 (2)