

Design and Test of Seed Ladle Tongue Type Flax Precision Burrow Planter


针对胡麻播种机用种量大、播量变异系数大、播种不均匀的问题,基于胡麻种子物理特性和种植农艺要求,设计一种舀种勺舌式胡麻精量穴播器.通过分析穴播器工作原理确定穴播器组成、舀种勺结构参数范围及安装数量;对舀种勺舀种过程和清种过程进行力学分析,确定穴播器角速度范围;通过EDEM仿真过程得知,花纹内壁聚种斜槽在不影响舀种勺填充效果的同时,不仅可以提高仿真效率,还可以增大种子流动性,便于舀种勺充种.以穴播器角速度、舀种勺顶端过渡圆角半径、种室隔离板高度为试验因素,穴播器排种合格率、漏播率和重播率为试验指标,利用EDEM离散元仿真软件开展二次旋转正交组合试验,得到最优参数组合为:穴播器角速度2.9 rad/s、舀种勺顶端过渡圆角半径2.5 mm、种室隔离板高6.8 mm;将该舀种勺3D打印制作进行排种性能试验验证,台架试验得到该舀种勺排种合格率、漏播率和重播率平均值分别为87.00%、6.33%、6.67%;田间试验得到该舀种勺排种合格率为88.33%,漏播率为6.67%,重播率为5.00%;胡麻平均种植密度为50株/m2,其台架试验与田间试验结果基本一致,性能满足胡麻精量播种农艺要求.

Aiming at the problems of large seed amount,large variation coefficient of sowing amount and uneven sowing,a spoon-tongue precise point planter for flax was designed based on the physical characteristics of flax seeds and the requirements of planting agronomy.By analyzing the working principle of the burrow planter,the composition of the burrow planter,the range of structural parameters and the number of installations were determined.The mechanical analysis of the process of spooning seed and clearing seed was carried out to determine the rotational speed range of the burrow planter.According to the EDEM simulation process,the pattern inner wall chute can not only improve the simulation efficiency,but also increase the seed fluidity,which was convenient for the scoop filling.With the rotation speed of the burrow planter,the radius of the transition angle at the top of the scoop and the height of the isolation plate of the seed chamber as the test factors,and the qualification rate of seed exclusion,the leakage rate and the replay rate of the burrow planter as the test indicators,the quadratic rotation orthogonal combination test was carried out by using EDEM discrete element simulation software.The results showed that the optimal parameter combination was as follows:the rotating speed of the burrow planter was 2.9 rad/s,the tip of the scoop was 2.5 mm,and the height of the isolation plate was 6.8 mm.The seed discharge performance of the spoon was verified by 3D printing.The average pass rate,miss rate and repeat rate of the spoon were 87.00%,6.33%and 6.67%,respectively.Field experiments showed that the qualified rate of the spooning spoon was 88.33%,the missed rate was 6.67%,and the replay rate was 5.00%.The average planting density of flax was 50 plants/m2,the results of bench test and field test were basically consistent,and the performance met the agronomic requirements of fine sowing flax.


甘肃农业大学机电工程学院,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学机电工程学院,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学机电工程学院,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学机电工程学院,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学机电工程学院,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学机电工程学院,兰州 730070



flaxprecision burrow planterseed ladleEDEM

《农业机械学报》 2024 (3)




