

Self-priming performance of liquid-ring aviation fuel centrifugal pump



The unsteady gas-liquid two-phase flow in the self-priming process of a liquid-ring aviation fuel pump was simulated using the Mixture model,and change of gas-liquid two-phase distribution in the fuel pump during the self-priming process was analyzed.The changes in gas content,gas-liquid two-phase distribution,pressure and velocity streamlines,entropy production rate,and turbulent kinetic energy in the fuel pump at different times during self-priming were studied.The results show that the suction and exhaust of the fuel pump primarily occur during the early and middle stages of the self-priming process.As the self-priming time increases,the gas content of each monitoring surface gradually decreases.When the self-priming time is 3.00 s,the gas content at the outlet of the volute approaches 0,and the self-priming process ends.The pressure inside the pump increases as the relative distance increases,and the pressure in the same relative distance plane in the pump increases with the increase of self-priming time.The high-velocity area is mainly concentrated near the partition middle flow path of the impeller and the volute wall,while the low-velocity area is concentrated in tongue of the volute and outlet of the guide vane during gas-liquid mixing.With the development of the self-priming process,the turbulent kinetic energy and entropy yield inside the pump also increase,and the energy loss inside the pump as well increases by mainly occurring in the impeller blades,guide vane blades,and outlet of the volute.


航空工业新乡航空工业(集团)有限公司,河南 新乡 453049江苏大学国家水泵及系统工程技术研究中心,江苏 镇江 212013


liquid-ring aviation fuel centrifugal pumpself-priming performancegas contententropy production rate

《排灌机械工程学报》 2024 (004)

342-349 / 8


