机车轮对的磨损是影响机车运营稳定性的不利因素,该文设计的机车轮对动态检测线路是一种新型不驻车检测机车轮对磨损状态的专用轨道线路,显著提高轮对磨损状态的检测效率.检测线路轨道间距为 1 568 mm,宽于标准轨距 1 435 mm,此时轮对与轨道正常接触区域显著暴露,便于对轮对磨损状态进行检测.通过有限元方法模拟机车通过过渡线路的动态分析,验证该检测方法的可行性.模拟结果表明,从轨道强度、轨道变形及轮对搭载量 3 个方面综合评价,该机车轮对动态检测线路具有较强实用性,能够满足 23t轴重机车以 36 km/h速度安全通过的要求,实现不驻车情况下对轮对磨损状态进行安全检测.
The wear of locomotive wheelset is an unfavorable factor affecting the stability of locomotive operation.the wheel pair dynamic detection line designed in this paper is a new type of special track line for wheel pair wear state of non-parking tester,which significantly improves the detection efficiency of wheelset wear state.The track spacing of the detection line is 1 568 mm,which is wider than the standard rail gauge 1 435 mm.At this time,the normal contact area between the wheelset and the track is significantly exposed,which is convenient to detect the wear state of the wheelset.The dynamic analysis of the locomotive passing through the transition line is simulated by the finite element method,and the feasibility of the detection method is verified.The simulation results show that from the comprehensive evaluation of track strength,track deformation and wheelset carrying capacity,the wheel of this machine has strong practicability for dynamic detection line,and can meet the requirement of 23 t-axle load locomotive passing safely at 36 km/h speed,and realizes the safety inspection of wheelset wear state without parking.
辽宁轨道交通学院,沈阳 110000辽宁轨道交通学院,沈阳 110000辽宁轨道交通学院,沈阳 110000辽宁轨道交通学院,沈阳 110000中国石油天然气集团有限公司大庆油田有限责任公司,黑龙江 大庆 163000
wheelset weardynamic detectiontransition section designsuper rail gaugesafety inspection
《科技创新与应用》 2024 (12)