

Technological Trajectory and Future Trends of Biden Administration's Alliance Strategy


联盟战略是美国占据全球领先地位的重要战略之一.全球科技经济格局变革时期,拜登政府愈加重视联盟战略,以供应链韧性、军事安全、民主价值观等为切入点,密集新建或重启美欧贸易与技术理事会、四方安全对话等多个联盟机制,不断完善其联盟战略.以美欧贸易与技术理事会、印太经济框架、奥库斯联盟等9个美国主导联盟为分析对象,对拜登政府联盟战略的技术主线进行梳理,阐述其在技术开发、技术应用、技术共享、技术转化和技术外溢等方面的特征,分析其发展趋势及其给中国科技发展带来的影响.在此基础上,提出构建中国全球伙伴战略、形成良好开放创新生态、发挥民间机构应对美国主导联盟的作用、重视关键和新兴技术的资源供给、加强新兴技术国际标准的制定和应用等5 个方面的建议.

Alliance strategy is one of the important strategies for the United States to occupy the global leading position.During the period of change in the global scientific,technological and economic landscape,the Biden administration attaches more importance to alliance strategy and continuously improves it.By taking supply chain resilience,military security,and democratic values as key objectives,the Biden administration intensively builds or restarts a number of alliances,such as U.S.-E.U.Trade and Technology Council(TTC),Indo-Pacific Economic Franework(IPEF)and AUKUS alliance,etc.By analyzing the nine U.S.-led alliances,this paper sorts out the technological trajectory of the Biden administration's alliance strategy,analyzes its characteristics in technology development,technology application,technology sharing,technology transformation,technology spillover,and predicts its development trend and its impact on China's scientific and technological development.Based on the analysis,five recommendations are proposed,including building China's global partnership strategy,forming a good open innovation ecosystem,giving full play to the role of civilian institutions in tacking with the alliance,attaching the importance to the supply of resources for key and emerging technologies,and reinforcing the formulation of international standards for emerging technologies and their application.


科技部科技评估中心,北京 100081华北理工大学马克思主义学院,河北唐山 063210科技部科技评估中心,北京 100081科技部科技评估中心,北京 100081


the Biden administrationalliance strategytechnological trajectoryresponse recommendation

《全球科技经济瞭望》 2024 (2)


