Mechanisms for Strategic Scientists Development and Use in the U.K.
As the leading center of modern scientific revolution and industrial revolution,the U.K.has a broad and deep science base and a unique science culture that respects science and encourages innovation.The role of scientists in improving RDI(research,development and innovative)performance cannot be ignored.Although there is no definition precisely coined as"strategic scientists",the U.K.has established a series of mechanisms and platforms to develop scientists of this importance and give full play to their roles in research governance and government decision-making.This paper mainly elaborates on the roles of strategic scientists in the U.K.,the mechanisms for training,using and attracting these scientists in the U.K.,as well as implications for the development of talent training and use mechanism of strategic scientists in China.
中国科学技术部,北京 100862中国科学技术部,北京 100862
the U.K.strategic scientisttraining and developmentfunding
《全球科技经济瞭望》 2024 (2)