

Growth and Device Fabrication of Mid to Far-Infrared Cr2+/Fe2+∶CdSe Crystals


本文采用自主研发的双温区真空石墨加热单晶炉,通过钼坩埚密封布里奇曼法成功生长出了Cr2+∶CdSe晶体和Fe2+∶CdSe晶体,晶体尺寸达φ51 mm×110 mm.Cr2+∶CdSe晶体和Fe2+∶CdSe晶体分别在1 400~2 400 nm和2 500~5 200 nm波段存在明显的吸收,同时,Cr2+∶CdSe晶体和Fe2+∶CdSe晶体在7~15 μm波段透过率均接近CdSe晶体透过极限(~70%),换算吸收系数约为0.005 cm-1.采用钼坩埚密封布里奇曼法制备的Cr2+/Fe2+∶CdSe晶体具有过渡金属离子掺杂浓度可控、掺杂均匀、晶体品质高等优点,可同时作为中波红外激光晶体和长波红外非线性光学晶体材料.

In this study,the Cr2+∶CdSe and Fe2+∶CdSe crystals were successfully grown by the Mo-crucible sealed Bridgman method using a vacuum single-crystal furnace with two zones developed by ourselves,and the crystal size reaches ø51 mm × 110 mm.Cr2+∶CdSe and Fe2+∶CdSe crystals demonstrate obvious absorption in the bands of 1 400~2 400 nm and 2 500~5 200 nm,respectively.The transmittances of Cr2+/Fe2+doped CdSe crystals are close to the transmittance limit of CdSe crystal(~70%)in the 7~15 μm band,and the converted absorption coefficient is about 0.005 cm-1.The Cr2+/Fe2+∶CdSe crystals grown by the Mo-crucible sealed Bridgman method have the advantages of the controllable doping concentration of transition metal ions,uniform doping and high crystal quality.The Cr2+/Fe2+∶CdSe crystals could be used as both mid-infrared laser crystal and far-infrared nonlinear optical crystal material.


中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院安徽光学精密机械研究所,安徽省光子器件与材料重点实验室,合肥 230031中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院安徽光学精密机械研究所,安徽省光子器件与材料重点实验室,合肥 230031||中国科学技术大学,合肥 230026


mid-far infrared lasernonlinear optic crystallaser crystaltransition metal dopingCdSe crystalcrystal growthBridgman method

《人工晶体学报》 2024 (004)

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