

Optimal joint flood control operation of reservoir group in the Four Rivers,Dongting Lake Basin


针对多防洪控制点的混联水库群联合防洪调度中防洪目标难以协调的问题,构建了以多流域协调条件下合成洪水洪峰流量最小为目标的水库群联合防洪调度模型,并采用逐步优化-逐次渐进算法(POA-SA)优化求解.在洞庭湖四水流域开展实例研究,基于防洪需求及各水库的特性,以四水流域下游尾闾控制站洪峰流量最小和四水汇流至洞庭湖的合成洪水洪峰流量最小为目标,提出典型年四水流域水库群联合防洪优化调度方案.结果表明:① 针对1998 年和2017 年两场洪水,水库群联合优化调度后的四水合成汇入洞庭湖的洪峰削峰率比四水单独优化调度分别提高了9.4%和4.5%;② 资水的柘溪水库和沅江的五强溪水库通过补偿调节,较好地实现了入湖洪水的错峰.对洞庭湖四水流域水库群联合调度可以保障四水流域自身防洪安全,并为洞庭湖防洪减压,研究成果可为流域水库群联合防洪调度提供参考.

Joint operation of multi-reservoir is of great significance for flood control in a river basin.This study focused on co-ordination of the flood control objectives in joint flood control operation of hybrid reservoir group with multiple flood control points.Accordingly,a joint flood control operation model of reservoir group for multi-basin was constructed.Moreover,a hybrid algorithm,progressive optimality algorithm and successive approximation(POA-SA),was used to optimize the model,and the reservoir group of the Four Rivers in Dongting Lake Basin was selected for a case study.Based on the flood control demand and characteristics of each reservoir,an optimal model was established to jointly minimize the flood peaks on the downstream flood control stations of the Four Rivers Basin and the flood peak of the Four Rivers floods confluence into Dongting Lake.The joint flood control optimization scheduling scheme of the reservoir group in the Four Rivers in typical years was proposed.The results showed that:① through the joint optimization of reservoirs,the peak shaving rate of the Four Rivers floods confluence into Dongting Lake of the two floods in1998 and2017 increased by9.4%and4.5%,respectively compared with the individual opti-mization on the Four Rivers.② Among them,through compensation regulation,the Zhexi Reservoir on Zishui River and the Wu-qiangxi Reservoir on Yuanjiang River realized the peak staggering of inflow flood.Therefore,the joint operation of the multi-res-ervoir systems can reduce the flood control risk of the Four Rivers Basin and reduce the flood control pressure of Dongting Lake at the same time.The research results can provide reference for joint flood control operation of multi-reservoir in river basin.


武汉大学 水资源工程与调度全国重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430072武汉大学 水资源工程与调度全国重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430072||中国水利水电科学研究院 流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,北京 100038



joint flood control operationlarge reservoir groupoptimal schedulingDongting Lake Basinthe Four Rivers Ba-sin

《人民长江》 2024 (004)

58-63,80 / 7


