

Study on flow changes in the middle of Hanjiang River affected by cascade hub development


为评估汉江中游流量变化情况,选用皇庄水文站1965-2022 年共58a逐日流量数据,按丹江口水库、王甫洲水利枢纽、崔家营航电枢纽、南水北调中线调水工程等重大水利工程的开发时序,将研究时段划分为未受人类活动干扰的基准期和4 个典型影响时期,运用Mann-Kendall非参数检验法开展多年流量变化特征分析,采用变化范围法(IHA-RVA)对不同影响时期的流量指标进行分析,并根据各指标的水文改变度及偏移度综合评估汉江中游流量变化情况.结果表明:受丹江口、王甫洲、崔家营、雅口和兴隆等水利工程影响,汉江中游流量出现不同程度的波动,32 个IHA指标整体水文改变度达47.46%~63.74%,判断为中度改变.

In order to evaluate the changes of flow in the middle Hanjiang River,nearly 58 years of daily flow data of Huangzhuang Hydrology Station from 1965 to 2022 were selected,and the development time series of major water conservancy projects such as Danjiangkou Reservoir,Wangfuzhou Water Conservancy Project,Cuijiaying Avionics Project and Middle Route of South-to-North Water diversion project were analyzed.The study period was divided into the baseline period which was not disturbed by human activities and the 4 typical influence periods.Mann-Kendall non-parameter test method was used to analyze the characteristics of multi-year flow variation,and the range of variability approach(IHA-RVA)was used to analyze the flow indexes in different influence periods.The change of flow in the middle Hanjiang River was comprehensively evaluated according to the degree of hydrological change and deviation of each hydrological index.The results show that under the influence of Danjiangkou,Wangfuzhou,Cuijiaying,Yakou and Xinglong water conservancy projects,the flow of the middle Hanjiang River fluctuates in different degrees,and the overall hydrological change degree of 32 IHA indexes reach 47.46%~63.74%,which is judged as middle change.


天科院环境科技发展(天津)有限公司,天津 300456天科院环境科技发展(天津)有限公司,天津 300456||交通运输部天津水运工程科学研究所,天津 300456天科院环境科技发展(天津)有限公司,天津 300456||交通运输部天津水运工程科学研究所,天津 300456天科院环境科技发展(天津)有限公司,天津 300456||交通运输部天津水运工程科学研究所,天津 300456天科院环境科技发展(天津)有限公司,天津 300456||交通运输部天津水运工程科学研究所,天津 300456天科院环境科技发展(天津)有限公司,天津 300456



Hanjiang RiverMann-Kendall testrange of variability approachhydrological change degree

《水道港口》 2024 (1)


