

Effect of Bound Water on Compression Properties of Kunming Red Clay


通过等温吸附试验及压缩试验,获得昆明红黏土压缩特性随含水量的变化规律,探讨结合水含量与红黏土压缩性指标之间的关系,阐释结合水对其压缩特性影响的微观机制;采用 MATLAB构建相应的数学模型,从土力学角度揭示红黏土的压缩机理.结果表明,昆明红黏土等温吸附曲线分为 3 个阶段;压缩系数随含水量的变化出现"单峰"值,压缩模量随含水量增加呈减小的趋势,且有较明显的分界点,呈指数函数关系;三维拟合曲面以含水量为桥梁,建立压缩系数与孔隙比对应关系;结合水含量影响土颗粒结构的稳定性、压缩性,随着自由水的出现,水膜间连接力降低,润滑作用出现,导致土颗粒间摩擦力减小,抗压缩性减弱.

Through isothermal adsorption test and compression test,the change rule of compression properties of Kunming red clay with water content is obtained,the relationship between the content of bound water and the compressibility index of red clay is discussed,and the microscopic mechanism of the influence of bound water on its compression properties is explained.The MATLAB is used to construct corresponding mathematical model to reveal the compression mechanism of red clay from the perspective of soil mechanics.The results show that,(a)the isothermal adsorption curve of Kunming red clay can be divided into three stages;(b)the compression coefficient showed a"Unimodal"value with the change of water content,and the compression modulus showed a decreasing trend with the increase of water content with an exponential function relationship;(c)taking the water content as bridge,the corresponding relationship between the compression coefficient and the pore ratio is revealed by three-dimensional fitted surface;and(d)the content of bound water affects the stability and compressibility of soil particle structure,and with the appearance of free water,the connection between water films decreases,resulting in the reduction of friction between soil particles and the weakening of compressibility resistance.


昆明理工大学建筑工程学院, 云南 昆明 650500保山学院工程技术学院, 云南 保山 678000中国电建集团昆明勘测设计研究院有限公司, 云南 昆明 650051



red claybound watercompression deformationmicroscopic mechanismisothermal adsorption testcompression test

《水力发电》 2024 (005)

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