

Effect of Polyvinyl Acetate Coating on Dispersion of Carbon Nanomaterials



In order to enhance dispersity and compatibility of the carbon nanomaterials in polar/non polar solutions and polymers,carbon nanotube and graphene were modified using ethyl acetate as a monomer by free radical polymerization.The effects of coatings on carbon nanomaterials were characterized by infrared spectra,thermogravimetric analysis,scanning electron microscope,and Raman spectrum.Through infrared spectra,the coated carbon nanomaterial exhibited a characteristic absorption peak of vinyl acetate,and a significant weight loss occurred at 170~240℃in the thermogravimetric curves.From Raman spectrum,the ID/IG of the modified carbon nanotubes and graphene decreased from 1.730 and 1.040 to 1.090 and 0.985,respectively,indicating an increase in the degree of graphitization.The results indicate the success of vinyl acetate modified carbon nanomaterials.Dispersity and compatibility of modified carbon nanomaterials were assayed by ultraviolet spectra,discovering that the coated carbon nanomaterials exhibit excellent dispersibility and stability.The results indicated that the surfaces of carbon nanomaterials were coated by polyvinyl acetate via in-situ polymerization.The structures of carbon materials were not destroyed by coating process and their properties were kept.When the mass ratios of polyvinyl acetate to carbon materials were 1∶1 and 2∶1,the results of coating were excellent.Furthermore,the modified carbon nanomaterials possessed the perfect dispersity and stability.


中石化(大连)石油化工研究院有限公司,辽宁大连 116045大连理工大学化工学院高分子材料系,辽宁大连 116024


Radical polymerizationPolyvinyl acetateCarbon nanotubesGrapheneDispersion

《塑料科技》 2024 (003)

27-32 / 6


