

Chinese version of Patient Participation Preferences Assessment and its reliability and validity test


目的:翻译病人参与出院计划意愿评估量表(Patient Participation Preferences Assessment,PPPA),并验证其信效度.方法:根据Brislin双向翻译原则,对英文版PPPA 进行直译、回译及文化调试.选取2021年7月—11月烟台市2所三级甲等医院心内科住院的心力衰竭病人520例进行问卷调查,检验中文版PPPA的信效度.结果:中文版PPPA包括参与/沟通、意愿与喜好、对信息的渴望3个维度,共17个条目.量表条目水平的内容效度指数(I-CVI)为0.833~1.000,量表水平的内容效度指数(S-CVI)为0.824.探索性因子分析提取3个公因子,累计方差贡献率为77.130%.验证性因子分析显示三因子模型各指标均达到理想的拟合标准.量表总Cronbach's α系数为0.958,重测信度为0.929.结论:中文版PPPA具有良好的信效度,可用于心力衰竭病人出院计划参与意愿评估.

Objective:To translate the Patient Participation Preferences Assessment(PPPA)into Chinese,and to test its reliability and validity.Methods:The scale was translated according to the Brislin translation model,and the Chinese version of PPPA was developed through translated,back translation,and cultural adaptation.A total of 520 patients with heart failure who were hospitalized in the department of cardiology of 2 tertiary grade A hospitals in Yantai city from July to November 2021 were selected for questionnaire survey to test the reliability and validity.Results:The Chinese version of PPPA include 3 dimensions(communication and participation,willingness and preference and desire for information)and 17 items.The item-level content validity index(I-CVI)ranged from 0.833 to 1.000.The the scale-content validity index(S-CVI)was 0.824.Exploratory factor analysis extracted 3 common factors,and the cumulative contribution rate of variance was 77.130%.The results of confirmatory factor analysis show that the three-factor model was well-fitted.The Cronbach's α coefficient of the scale was 0.958.The total test-retest reliability coefficient was 0.929.Conclusions:The Chinese version of PPPA has good reliability and validity,which can be used to test the participation preferences of patients with chronic heart failure.


滨州医学院护理学院,山东 264003滨州医学院护理学院,山东 264003滨州医学院护理学院,山东 264003山东中医药高等专科学校滨州医学院护理学院,山东 264003


chronic heart failureparticipation preferencesreliabilityvalidity

《护理研究》 2024 (8)



