Preparation and Characteristics of Flaxseed Gum-Konjac Glucomannan System
亚麻籽胶(flaxseed gum,FG)的凝胶性较弱,魔芋胶(konjac glucomannan,KGM)有较高的黏度和良好的持水性,可提高所形成亚麻籽胶-魔芋胶复合凝胶体系(flaxseed gum-konjac glucomannan system,FKG)的特性.以亚麻籽胶和魔芋胶为原料,研究不同比例下 FKG 的形成过程及其特性.结果表明:随着魔芋胶添加比例逐渐增大,FKG 的凝胶强度和凝胶性能逐渐增强,并在亚麻籽胶与魔芋胶的质量比为 6∶4 时达到最大,且FKG的硬度、咀嚼性、胶着性和弹性均优于其他比例样品,相较于亚麻籽胶分别提升了 10.00 倍、6.25 倍、5.29 倍和 1.61 倍;其表观黏度和剪切应力表现出较强的协同增效作用;Zeta 电位绝对值为 13.85 mV,稳定性相对较高;通过红外光谱 3425.13 cm-1 附近的羟基伸缩振动峰观察到 FG 与 KGM 之间可能产生了分子间氢键;扫描电子显微镜结果证实,FKG 具有较为致密的空间网状结构,说明亚麻籽胶经过与魔芋胶复合后有效改善了凝胶特性,为进一步推进亚麻籽胶的研究与应用提供了基础.
As the gel property of flaxseed gum(FG)is weak,while the viscosity and good water holding property of konjac glucomannan(KGM)is high,which can improve the characteristics of the flaxseed gum-konjac glucomannan system(FKG).In our current study,FG and KGM were used as raw materials to study the formation process and characteristics of FKG at different ratios.The results showed that the gel strength and properties of FKG gradually increased with the increasing pro-portion of KGM.These characteristics would reach the maximum when the mass ratio of FG to KGM was 6∶4,and the hardness,chewiness,adhesion and elasticity of the FKG were better than those of other proportions,which were about 10.00 times,6.25 times,5.29 times and 1.61 times higher than FG,respectively.The apparent viscosity and shear stress re-flected strong synergy.The absolute value of Zeta potential was 13.85 mV,with relatively high stability.The intermolecular hydrogen bond between FG and KGM was observed by the hydroxyl stretching vibration peak near 3425.13 cm-1 in the in-frared spectrum.The scanning electron microscope results confirmed that FKG had a relatively dense spatial network struc-ture,indicating that FG and KGM composite effectively improved the gel performance,which has provided a basis for fur-ther promoting the research and application of flaxseed gum.
天津科技大学食品科学与工程学院,天津 300457天津科技大学食品科学与工程学院,天津 300457天津科技大学食品科学与工程学院,天津 300457天津科技大学食品科学与工程学院,天津 300457天津科技大学食品科学与工程学院,天津 300457天津科技大学食品科学与工程学院,天津 300457
flaxseed gumkonjac glucomannancomposite gelgel characteristicsgel structure
《天津科技大学学报》 2024 (2)