Study on the construction of a column chart model for recurrence after endoscopic high-frequency resection of intestinal polyps
目的:建立个体化肠息肉内镜下高频电切除术后复发的风险预测模型.方法:以行高频电切除术的 340例肠息肉患者为研究对象,建立肠息肉内镜下高频电切除术后复发的风险预测模型.结果:Logistic回归分析显示年龄≥60 岁、肠息肉数量≥3 个、肠息肉直径≥2cm、腺瘤性肠息肉、吸烟史、合并代谢综合征是肠息患者内镜下高频电切除术后复发的危险因素,以此构建列线图模型C-统计量指数为 0.831,校正曲线和标准曲线拟合度较好.结论:年龄≥60 岁、肠息肉数量≥3 个、肠息肉直径≥2cm、腺瘤性肠息肉、吸烟史、合并代谢综合征是肠息肉患者内镜下高频电切除术后复发的危险因素,以此构建的列线图模型具有较好的预测效能.
Objective:To establish an individualized risk prediction model for recurrence after endoscopic high-frequency resection of intestinal polyps.Method:A risk prediction model for recurrence after endoscopic high-frequency resection of intestinal polyps was established based on 340 patients with intestinal polyps who underwent high-frequency resection.The logistic regression analysis showed that age≥60 years,number of intestinal polyps≥3,diameter of intestinal polyps≥2cm,adenomatous intestinal polyps,smoking history,and metabolic syndrome were risk factors for postoperative recurrence in patients undergoing endoscopic high-frequency electrical resection.Based on this,a column chart model was constructed with a C-statistic index of 0.831,and the calibration curve and standard curve had a good fit.Conclusion:Age≥60 years old,number of intestinal polyps≥3,diameter of intestinal polyps≥2 cm,adenomatous intestinal polyps,smoking history,and metabolic syndrome are risk factors for postoperative recurrence in patients with intestinal polyps undergoing endoscopic high-frequency electrical resection.The column chart model constructed based on this has good predictive performance.
宣城市郎溪县人民医院消化内科,安徽宣城 242100宣城市郎溪县人民医院消化内科,安徽宣城 242100宣城市郎溪县人民医院消化内科,安徽宣城 242100
Colorectal polypsPostoperative recurrenceInfluencing factorsNomogram
《现代科学仪器》 2024 (2)