

Interpretation of the Basic National Standards System for Standards Development and Analysis of the Practice


本文基于标准化文件编写实践中遇到的问题,如缺少标准化文件编制相关标准体系解读、术语较多、语言描述过于学术化、引用关系交错复杂等,以标准化文件编写的推广和实践为目标,系统性分析标准编制的基础性国家标准体系各部分的主要内容及作用,以标准化工作导则GB/T 1.1为主要解读对象,并辅助其他标准编制相关的文件,从标准编写者视角,对GB/T 1.1等文件描述的标准编写规则,按照标准文件写作过程的思维习惯,对每个要素涉及的知识进行抽取、归纳、重组,集中对同一个知识点进行系统解析,进而为标准编制实践提供借鉴和指导.

The paper is based on the problems in the practice of standards development,such as lack of interpretation of basic national standards system for standard development,a large number of terms,overly academic language description,and complex citation relationships.For the promotion and practice of drafting of standards document,the paper systematically analyzes the main contents and function of each part of the basic national standards system for standards development.Taking GB/T 1.1 on directives for standardization as the main interpretation object,and based on other relevant documents,the knowledge involved in each element of standards drafting principles in the documents is extracted,summarized,and reorganized from the perspective of standards drafters,according to the habits of mind for standards drafting.Also,the paper systematically interprets the knowledge points to provide reference and guidance for practice of standards development.



标准编制GB/T 1.1实践

standards developmentGB/T 1.1practice

《中国标准化》 2024 (009)

38-48 / 11

