

Detection and Analysis of Diarrhea Pathogens in Yak Calves in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Region


为调查青藏高原地区引起犊牦牛腹泻的主要病原,2021 年 6 月—2022 年 8 月采集青海省、西藏自治区、四川省共 21 个场的 239 份腹泻犊牦牛粪便,采用实时荧光PCR方法对A群牛轮状病毒(bovine rotavirus A,BRVA)、牛病毒性腹泻病毒 1 型(bovine viral diarrhea virus of genotype 1,BVDV-1)、牛冠状病毒(bovine coronavirus,BCoV)、牛传染性鼻气管病毒(infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus,IBRV)、产肠毒素大肠杆菌(ETEC)、沙门氏菌 6 种腹泻病原进行了检测.结果显示:239 份腹泻样品的个体阳性率为 64.44%,场阳性率为42.86%~90.48%;BRVA、BVDV-1、BCoV、IBRV、ETEC、沙门氏菌的个体阳性率分别为28.87%、26.78%、5.44%、28.45%、17.57%、16.32%,青海省样品中BRVA(35.29%)与BVDV-1(30.88%)个体阳性率较高,西藏自治区样品中IBRV(93.75%)与ETEC(75.00%)个体阳性率较高,四川省样品中BRVA(24.46%)、IBRV(22.30%)与BVDV-1(27.34%)个体阳性率较高;混合感染率为 62.99%,二重、三重、四重感染率分别为 42.86%、15.58%、4.55%,未见五重及以上混合感染,以BRVA、BVDV-1、IBRV与其他病原混合感染为主.结果表明:上述 6 种病原在青藏高原地区腹泻犊牦牛中广泛流行,不同地区的病原流行情况存在差异,混合感染现象较为普遍,建议加强青藏高原地区BRVA的检测与控制,推进BVDV-1和IBRV灭活疫苗在牦牛中的推广应用.

In order to investigate major diarrhea pathogens in yak calves in Qinghai-Tibetan plateau region,from June 2021 to August 2022,239 fecal samples were collected from diarrheic calves on 21 farms in Qinghai Province,Tibet Autonomous Region and Sichuan Province to be used for detecting 6 diarrhea pathogens including bovine rotavirus A(BRVA),bovine viral diarrhea virus of genotype 1(BVDV-1),bovine coronavirus(BCoV),infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus(IBRV),enterotoxin-producing Escherichia coli(ETEC)and Salmonella by real time fluorescent PCR.The results showed that the individual positive rate of the samples was 64.44%,and the positive rate at farm level was from 42.86%to 90.48%;the individual positive rates of BRVA,BVDV-1,BCoV,IBRV,ETEC and Salmonella were 28.87%,26.78%,5.44%,28.45%,17.57%and 16.32%,respectively;for samples from Qinghai Province,the positive rates of BRVA(35.29%)and BVDV-1(30.88%)were higher,those of IBRV(93.75%)and ETEC(75.00%)from Tibet Autonomous Region were higher,and those of BRVA(24.46%),IBRV(22.30%)and BVDV-1(27.34%)from Sichuan Province were higher;the mixed infection rate was 62.99%,including double,triple and quadruple infection rates of 42.86%,15.58%and 4.55%,respectively,no quintuple infection or above was found,mixed infection with BRVA,BVDV-1,IBRV and other pathogens were predominant.In conclusion,the above 6 pathogens were widely prevalent in diarrheic calves in Qinghai-Tibetan plateau region,but different depending on different regions,with common mixed infection.Therefore,BRVA should be further detected and controlled,inactivated vaccines of BVDV-1 and IBRV should be applied and popularized in yaks.


西南民族大学畜牧兽医学院,四川成都 610041



yak calfdiarrhea pathogenQinghai-Tibetan plateau regiondetection

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (004)

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