

Population Prevalence Estimation and Risk Factors Exploration of Pullorum Disease on Black-bone Chicken Farms in Lueyang County of Shaanxi Province


为了解陕西省略阳县乌鸡场鸡白痢流行情况及风险因素,2021 年 5-11 月对略阳县规模乌鸡场开展了鸡白痢场群流行率调查,并建立了鸡白痢预测模型进行风险因素分析.结果显示:略阳县乌鸡场鸡白痢场群表观流行率为 65.9%,真实流行率为 64.2%(95%CI:49.5%~78.9%)."外来人员串场"[OR = 15.435,(95%CI:2.187~108.927),P<0.05]和"常年使用抗菌药物"[OR = 12.078,(95%CI:1.397~104.434),P<0.05]是导致鸡白痢发生的主要风险因素;经Hosmer-Lemeshow(H-L)检验,P>0.05,ROC曲线下面积为0.82(95%CI:0.69~0.95),预测模型拟合优度较好,预测性能尚可.结果说明:略阳县乌鸡场鸡白痢场群流行率较高,且存在高风险因素.建议进一步严格饲养管理及生物安全防控,强化养殖人员的生物安全意识,根据本场的感染特点选择合适的抗菌药物合理开展预防或治疗.

In order to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of pullorum disease(PD)on black-bone chicken farms in Lueyang County,Shaanxi Province,the population prevalence of the disease was investigated on intensive farms across the county from May to November 2021,and a prediction model of the disease was established to analyze possible risk factors.The results showed that the apparent population prevalence and the true one were 65.9%and 64.2%(95%CI:49.5%-78.9%),respectively.The main risk factors for PD occurrence included"visitors entered"(OR = 15.435,(95%CI:2.187-108.927),P<0.05)and"antibiotics applied all year round"(OR = 12.078,(95%CI:1.397-104.434),P<0.05);Hosmer-Lemeshow(H-L)test showed that,P value was above 0.05,the lower area of ROC curve was 0.82(95%CI:0.69-0.95),and the R-squared of the prediction model was good with fair predictive performance.In conclusion,the population prevalence of PD in chicken farms in Lueyang County was relatively high with high-risk factors.It was thus recommended to strictly make efforts on production management and bio-safety prevention and control,improve bio-safety awareness of operators,and to prevent or treat the disease using appropriate antimicrobial drugs according to the characteristics of infection on the infected farm.


汉中市动物疫病预防控制中心,陕西汉中 723000河南农业大学动物医学院,河南郑州 450002略阳县畜牧兽医技术推广中心,陕西略阳 724300城固县老庄镇农业综合服务站,陕西城固 723200



PDpopulation prevalencerisk factorShaanxi Province

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (004)

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