

Protective effects of rabies virus CTNCEC25 strain vaccination


目的 研究狂犬病病毒CTNCEC25株制备的疫苗对狂犬病街毒株BD06和8202株的保护效果.方法 选取无狂犬病免疫史,中和抗体≤0.1 IU/mL的受试犬20只,随机均分为4组,供试疫苗(1、2组)和空白对照制品(3、4组)分别于0 d、7 d各免疫1次,每次免疫剂量为1支(1.0 mL).14 d时采血测抗体,当天后肢肌肉注射攻毒.其中1、3组采用BD06株攻击,2、4组采用8202株攻击,攻毒后观察90 d,记录各组犬发病死亡情况.结果 首免后14 d,供试疫苗免疫两组犬的平均中和抗体效价为(9.94±4.24)IU/mL.攻毒后90 d(首次免疫后104 d)时,供试疫苗两组犬的平均中和抗体效价为(3.41± 4.07)IU/mL,所有受试犬血清狂犬病中和抗体水平均大于WHO规定的0.5 IU/mL.结论 狂犬病病毒CTNCEC25株制备的疫苗对狂犬病病毒具有良好的交叉保护效果.

This study examined the protective effects of a vaccine prepared with the rabies virus CTNCEC25 strain against rabies street strains BD06 and 8202.Twenty dogs with no history of rabies immunization and neutralizing antibodies ≤0.1 IU/mL were randomly divided into four groups.The vaccinated(group 1 and 2)and control(group 3 and 4)dogs were immu-nized once,at 0 d and 7 d,respectively,with one immunization dose(1.0 mL).Blood samples were collected at 14 d for anti-body testing,and injections were delivered into the hind limb muscle on the same day for toxin challenge.Groups 1 and 3 were challenged with BD06 strains,and groups 2 and 4 were challenged with 8202 strains.After the challenge,the incidence and death of dogs in each group were recorded.The average neutralizing antibody titer in the two groups was(9.94+4.24)IU/mL 14 days after the first immunization.At 90 days after the challenge(104 days after the first immunization),the average neu-tralizing antibody titer in the two groups was(3.41+4.07)IU/mL,and the serum rabies neutralizing antibody level in all test-ed dogs was above 0.5 IU/mL that WHO regulations.The vaccine prepared with the CTNCEC25 strain of rabies virus showed good cross-protective effects against rabies virus.


深圳市卫光生物制品股份有限公司,深圳 518107



rabies virusCTNCEC25 strainBD068202neutralizing antibody

《中国人兽共患病学报》 2024 (003)

243-246 / 4

广东省基础与应用基础研究基金会(No.2021A1515010848) Supported by the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation(No.2021A1515010848)

