

Effects of Light Supplementation with Different Light Quality on Growth and Fruit Quality of Capsicum


以樟树港辣椒为试材,采用塑料大棚栽培,研究了在夜间分段(19:00-22:00,3:00-6:00)进行不同光质[NIR(近红外光)、R(红光)、G(绿光)、UV-A(长波紫外光)、B(蓝光)、红蓝组合光(3R2B、2R3B)、W(白光)]顶部补光处理对辣椒生长发育及果实品质的影响.结果表明:与不补光对照相比,蓝光(B)处理对果实品质提升效果最佳,果实中的辣椒素、抗坏血酸、类黄酮和类胡萝卜素含量均显著提高,分别较对照增加了 12.35%、46.64%、37.52%和18.44%.同时,B处理辣椒单株产量也显著提升,较对照提高20.64%.Pearson分析显示,果实干质量是最能代表辣椒生长发育和果实品质优劣的指标.聚类分析和主成分分析显示,B和红蓝组合光(2R3B、3R2B)是调节效果优的光质;G、紫外光(10U、20U)和NIR是调节效果差的光质.采用隶属函数法进行综合评价,B处理下辣椒的平均隶属函数值最高,是设施栽培中改善辣椒生长发育及果实品质的最佳光环境调控光质.

The effects of top light treatment with different light qualities[NIR(near infrared light),R(red light),G(green light),UV-A(long wave ultraviolet light),B(blue light),red and blue combined light(3R2B,2R3B),W(white light)]on the growth and fruit quality of Capsicum at night(19:00-22:00,3:00-6:00)were investigated using Zhangshugang pepper as a test material in a plastic greenhouse.Results demonstrated that compared to the control group without supplementary light,blue light(B)treatment exhibited the most favorable impact on fruit quality.The content of capsaicin,ascorbic acid,flavonoid and carotenoid increased significantly,with increases of 12.35%,46.64%,37.52%,and 18.44%respectively.Additionally,pepper yield per plant significantly improved under B treatment with a remarkable increase of 20.64%compared to the control group.Pearson analysis revealed that fruit dry weight served as an excellent indicator for assessing both growth and fruit quality of capsicum plants.Cluster analysis and principal component analysis demonstrated that red and blue combined light(2R3B,3R2B)along with B alone exhibited superior light qualities while G,ultraviolet light(10U,20U)and NIR showed poor regulation capabilities.A comprehensive evaluation using the membership function method revealed that pepper plants exposed to B treatment had the highest average membership function value among all tested light qualities in facility cultivation.Blue light is the best light environment to improve the growth and fruit quality of pepper.


湖南农业大学园艺学院,园艺作物种质创新与新品种选育教育部工程研究中心,蔬菜生物学湖南省重点实验室,农业农村部园艺作物(蔬菜、茶叶等)基因资源评价利用重点实验室,湖南长沙 410125


peppersLEDlight qualityfill lightgrowthquality

《中国蔬菜》 2024 (004)

74-84 / 11


