

Detection of Mosaic Disease and Propagation of Virus-free Seedlings for High Sugar New Sugarcane Variety Yunzhe 1640


[目的]甘蔗花叶病是导致甘蔗品种减产的重要病害,通过应用甘蔗健康种苗可以有效提高甘蔗种苗的抗病能力.'云蔗1640'是由云南省农业科学院甘蔗所培育的高产高糖甘蔗新品种,适宜在我国热区推广种植.[方法]本研究通过田间采样调查结合RT-PCR检测的方法,完成了'云蔗1640'甘蔗品种的花叶病毒带病情况调查,开展了'云蔗 1640'健康种苗的脱毒处理与品种的快繁.[结果]确认'云蔗1640'携带有甘蔗花叶病毒,其主要的病原以甘蔗线条花叶病毒为主,甘蔗花叶病毒次之,不带有高粱花叶病毒.通过温水处理结合茎尖脱毒的方法培养获得了'云蔗1640'健康种苗.研究表明经RT-PCR的方法检测线条花叶病毒和甘蔗花叶病毒的脱毒效率分别为10.12%和90.62%.经筛选出不带病原的脱毒种苗作为原种开展健康种苗的组培快繁.[结论]糖料蔗健康种苗的繁育是一种有效的良种繁育技术,可加快优异甘蔗新品种的推广与应用,为我国蔗糖产业的发展提供新的优异种质,是我国蔗区老品种提纯复壮的新来源.

[Objective]Sugarcane Mosaic Disease is a serious disease leads to the yield decline of sugarcane varieties,and the disease resistance of sugarcane seedlings can be effectively improved by applying healthy sugarcane seedlings.'Yunzhe 1640'is a new sugarcane variety with high yield and high sugar developed by the Sugarcane Research Institute of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,suitable for popularization and planting in tropical areas in China.[Methods]In this study,field sampling and RT-PCR detection were used to complete the investigation of Mosaic virus disease of the sugarcane variety'Yunzhe 1640'.The virus-free treatment and rapid propagation of'Yunzhe 1640'healthy seedlings were also carried out.[Results]It was confirmed that'Yunzhe 1640'has the Sugarcane mosaic virus(SCMV).The main pathogen was sugarcane steak mosaic virus(SCSMV),followed by SCMV,without sorghum mosaic virus(SrMV).The healthy seedling of'Yunzhe 1640'was obtained by hot water treatment with detoxification using axillary meristem culturing.The results showed that the detoxification efficiency of the SCSMV and SCMV detected by RT-PCR was 10.12%and 90.62%,respectively.Virus-free seedlings without pathogen were used as original seedlings for tissue culture and rapid propagation of healthy seedlings.[Conclusion]Healthy sugarcane seedling propagation is an effective breeding technique for elite sugarcane varieties.It can accelerate the promotion and application of elite new sugarcane varieties.It can also provide new elite germplasms for the development of the cane sugar industry in China and is a new source of purification and rejuvenation of old cane varieties in sugarcane-growing areas in China.


热带作物生物育种全国重点实验室,昆明 650205||云南省农业科学院甘蔗研究所/云南省甘蔗遗传改良重点实验室,云南开远 661699||农业农村部甘蔗生物学与遗传育种重点实验室,云南开远 661699



sugarcaneYunzhe 1640mosaic diseasevirus-free seedlingsseedling breeding and promotion

《中国糖料》 2024 (002)


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