

Application and analysis of problems of artificial intelligence in drug repurposing for Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19)



In recent years,drug repurposing has emerged as an effective strategy for identifying potential treatments for the outbreak of the Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19).Artificial intelli-gence(AI)has been widely employed in the field of drug repurposing,enabling rapid computation and screening of extensive drug databases.Based on different algorithm design principles,AI methodolo-gies for drug repurposing in the context of COVID-19 can be categorized into three types:① network-based models,which emphasize the identification of associations between drugs and diseases to reveal potential therapeutic mechanisms;②structure-based methods,which employ the analysis of structural interactions between drugs and targets for precise screening;and ③ machine learning/deep learning approaches,which utilize multidimensional processing of complex nonlinear data for candidate drug prediction.Despite the significant role of AI in drug repurposing,the quality and quantity of data have a notable impact on the computational results of AI.Experimental studies alone cannot fully simulate the complex physiological environment of the human body,which may limit the precise validation of candi-date drugs in the preclinical stage.Optimization of drugs originally indicated for other conditions may also affect the effectiveness of candidate drugs for COVID-19.Moreover,treatment timing and individual differences may influence clinical outcomes.This review provides an overview of the application and challenges of AI in the field of drug repurposing for COVID-19 in order to provide reference for wider use of AI technology in COVID-19 treatment.


中国中医科学院广安门医院,北京 100032香港都会大学,香港 999077上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院,上海 200437北京航空航天大学仪器科学与光电工程学院/北京大数据与精准医疗高精尖创新中心,北京 100191



artificial intelligencedrug repurposingCorona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19)

《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 2024 (004)

294-303 / 10

中央高校基本科研业务费(理工医科类)(YWF-22-BJ-J-313);北京市自然基金-昌平创新联合基金(L234003) Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(YWF-22-BJ-J-313);and Beijing Nature Fund-Changping Innovation Joint Fund(L234003)

