

Differences in the Elderly Care Service Demand,Preference,and Tendency Between Urban and Rural Areas in the Pearl River Delta


目的 了解珠三角地区常住老年人养老需求、服务偏好及养老倾向的城乡差异,为科学规划和配置城乡养老资源提供参考.方法 采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法,在珠三角地区选取2 个地级市的7 个社区卫生服务中心,对到中心就诊的1919 名60 岁及以上的城乡常住老年人进行有关养老需求、服务偏好及养老倾向的问卷调查.结果 共调查珠三角地区城市老年人641 人(33.4%),农村老年人1278 人(66.6%);城市老年人和农村老年人的子女情况(χ2 =43.379,P<0.001)、对社会化养老服务项目的购买意愿(χ2 =104.141,P<0.001)和对养儿防老观念的态度(χ2 =65.632,P<0.001)差异均有统计学意义;农村老年人偏好家庭养老的比例(71.8%)显著高于城市老年人(57.1%)(χ2 =41.373,P<0.001);城市老年人明确表示倾向于选择机构养老的比例(62.2%)显著高于农村老年人(44.0%)(χ2 =57.007,P<0.001).以家庭养老为参照,城市老年人中家庭月收入与支出有余和基本持平的选择机构养老和社区居家养老的倾向均更低,城市男性、大专及以上文化程度、有购买社会化养老服务项目需求的老年人更偏好社区居家养老;本地户籍的农村老年人更倾向于选择机构养老和社区居家养老,非独生子女、对生活状况感到满意的农村老年人选择社区居家养老的意愿更低.结论 应充分考虑老年人在养老需求、服务偏好及养老倾向存在的城乡差异,科学规划和合理配置城乡养老资源,结合城乡地区特点因地制宜发展多元化的社会养老服务.

Objective To understand the differences in the demand,preference,and tendency for elderly care services between urban and rural areas in the Pearl River Delta(PRD),and to provide reference for the planning and balanced allocation of elderly care resources in urban and rural areas.Methods Using the multi-stage stratified random sampling method,we selected 7 community health service centers in 2 prefecture-level cities in the PRD and conducted a questionnaire survey on the elderly care service demand,preference,and tendency among 1919 regular residents aged 60 years and above who attended the centers.Results A total of 641 urban elderly residents(33.4%)and 1278 rural elderly residents(66.6%)were surveyed in the PRD.The urban and rural elderly residents showed differences in the child number(χ2 =43.379,P<0.001),willingness to purchase socialized elderly care services(χ2 =104.141,P<0.001),and attitudes to the concept of raising child to avoid elderly hardship(χ2 =65.632,P<0.001).The proportion(71.8%)of rural elderly residents who prefer family-based elderly care was higher than that(57.1%)of urban elderly residents(χ2 =41.373,P<0.001).The proportion(62.2%)of urban elderly residents clearly expressing their willingness to choose institutions for elderly care was higher than that(44.0%)of rural elderly residents(χ2 =57.007,P<0.001).Compared with family-based elderly care,the willingness to choose institutional or community-based in-house elderly care was low among the urban elderly residents with surplus monthly household income or balanced income and expenditure;urban males,those with college education background or above,and those who purchased so-cialized elderly care services tended to prefer community-based in-house elderly care.In rural areas,the elderly residents who had local household registry were prone to choose institutional or community-based in-house elderly care,while those who had more than one child and those who were satisfied with the current living conditions were less willing to choose community-based in-house elderly care.Conclusions It is suggested that the urban-rural differences in the elderly care service demand,preference and tendency should be fully considered in the planning and allocation of urban and rural elderly care resources.Efforts remain to be made to develop diversified social elderly care services tailored to the characteristics of urban and rural areas.


广东开放大学 (广东理工职业学院) 健康产业学院, 广东中山 528400广东省中山市三乡镇社区卫生服务中心公共卫生业务管理科, 广东中山 528463||澳门科技大学医学院, 澳门特别行政区 999078广东省中山市三乡镇社区卫生服务中心公共卫生业务管理科, 广东中山 528463中山大学公共卫生学院, 广州 510080中山大学公共卫生学院, 广州 510080||广东省基层卫生协会青年骨干分会, 广州 510000



urban-rural differenceelderly care service demandelderly care service preferenceelderly care service tendency

《中国医学科学院学报》 2024 (002)

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