Complexity and Frontiers Issues of Disaster Risk Science in the Context of the Anthropocene
The study of complexity in disaster risk science has become a challenge and a hot topic in the de-velopment of the discipline.Starting from the concept of the Anthropocene,The impact of environmental change on disaster risk and the importance of addressing complexity issues in disaster risk science are firstly explained.Secondly,the essence of disaster risk science under systems thinking is discussed as to explore the characteristics and mechanisms of regional disaster system,and the linkages between regional disaster system and socio-ecologi-cal system and geographical system of human-earth relations are explored Thirdly,based on the new features of the development of disaster risk science、the characteristics of complex system and complex network and their in-trinsic connection with disaster system are discussed,and the characteristics of the processes and mechanisms of disaster system under the perspective of complex system are discribed.Finally,the order,technology and data opportunities for complexity research in disaster risk science are described,and some frontier issues for complexity research in disaster risk science are proposed.
中国农业大学人文与发展学院,北京 100083||北京市科学技术协会防灾减灾专业智库基地,北京 100089||清华大学应急管理研究基地,北京 100084
anthropocenedisaster risk sciencedisaster systemscomplex disaster eventscoupled disaster effectssystemic risk and polycrisis
《灾害学》 2024 (2)