

Improvement and Application Verification of Meteorological Risk Early Warning Technology for Geological Disasters in Yunnan Province



Using geological disaster data and meteorological precipitation data from 2014 to 2022 in Yunnan Province to conduct a study on the disaster probability caused by effective rainfall.Combined with the geological dis-aster-prone factors,a new generation of refined geological disaster meteorological risk early warning model is es-tablished,and an application test on the performance of the model is carried out.The results show that the new geo-logical disaster meteorological risk early warning model can improve the spatio-temporal resolution and accuracy of the early warning product,and the application effect is good.The model can better reflect the meteorological risk warning level under the background of regional heavy precipitation processes in advance.For the local heavy precip-itation that is difficult to forecast、the trend of risk strengthening can be given through real-time updated monito-ring and warning products,so the early warning information of geological disaster meteorological risk can be issued in advance.It can objectively reflect the high-level warning of meteorological risks under the background of ex-treme heavy rainfall,playing a good warning and prompt role.


云南省气象台,云南昆明 650034||中国气象局横断山区(低纬高原)灾害性天气研究中心,云南昆明 650034云南省地质环境监测院,云南昆明 650216云南省地质调查院(云南省地质科学研究院),云南昆明 650216双江县气象局,云南双江 677399云南省气象台,云南昆明 650034



Yunnangeological hazardsearly warning modeldisaster probabilityverification

《灾害学》 2024 (002)

85-91 / 7


