

A Wireless Multi-Objective Power Sharing Method for Energy Storage System in DC Micro-Grid Considering Oscillatory-Type Power


随着新型电力系统建设持续推进,直流微电网将成为配电网的重要组成部分.直流微电网接入交流负载时,振荡型功率会进入直流系统,影响分布式储能系统功率分配.为此,给出了储能系统功率分配综合原则,并以此提出一种无互联通信网络的功率分配方法.该方法以荷电状态作为"信息载体",各储能单元仅需本地荷电状态(state of charge,SOC)信息即可完成自适应调整,在实现SOC均衡控制的同时,还能够让振荡型功率合理分配.此外,从等效输出阻抗的角度出发,对不同控制算法的分配效果展开了详细的分析讨论,表明了所提控制算法可以满足综合原则的要求.最后,通过实验验证了所提分布式储能控制策略的有效性.

As the construction of new power systems,DC microgrids will become an important part of the distribution network.As AC load connecting to DC microgrids,the oscillating power will enter the DC system,which affects the power distribution of energy storage system.To solve this issue,the comprehensive principle of power distribution of distributed energy storage system was given,and a wireless power sharing method was proposed.This method takes the charge state as the"information carrier",each energy storage unit can realize state of charge(SOC)balancing and oscillating power sharing at same time.In addition,from the perspective of equivalent output impedance,this paper gived a detailed analysis and discussion on the distribution effect of different control algorithms,which showed the proposed control algorithm could meet the requirements of the comprehensive principle.Finally,the effectiveness of the proposed distributed energy storage control strategy was validated by experiments.


电力规划设计总院,北京市 西城区 100120电力规划设计总院,北京市 西城区 100120电力规划设计总院,北京市 西城区 100120国网能源研究院有限公司,北京市昌平区 102209国网能源研究院有限公司,北京市昌平区 102209



new power systemDC micro-gridoscillatory-type powerpower sharingstate of charge(SOC)balancing

《发电技术》 2024 (2)


国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFB2403100). Project Supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFB2403100).

