

Identification and screening of salt tolerance of cotton germplasm resources at germination stage


种子萌发期是对盐分较敏感的时期,测定不同盐浓度胁迫下的棉花种子发芽情况是筛选棉花耐盐种质的重要依据之一.本研究对 629 份棉花种质资源进行 0、150 mmol L-1 NaCl处理,对鲜重、发芽势等 6 个性状的耐盐系数进行差异分析,结果显示盐胁迫下各个性状较对照均存在显著差异;使用主成分分析、隶属函数分析对棉花种质耐盐性进行综合评价;对综合评价值D值进行聚类分析,根据D值的大小将 629 份种质资源分成 5 类:188 份耐盐中间型材料、376 份耐盐型材料、36 份高耐盐型材料、28 份盐敏感型材料、1 份高盐敏感型材料;通过逐步回归分析建立棉花萌发期耐盐性评价预测模型:D = 0.277RFW+0.29RGP+0.189RPL+0.387RGR-0.32(R2=0.992),筛选出鲜重、下胚轴长、发芽势和发芽率 4 个指标可作为棉花萌发期耐盐性鉴定的指标.本研究建立了一套精准、高效的耐盐性鉴定体系,筛选到 36 份高耐盐材料和 1 份高敏感材料,为棉花耐盐机制研究和培育耐盐新品种提供参考.

Seed germination stage is sensitive to salt.The determination of cotton seed germination under different salt concentra-tion stress is one of the important bases for screening cotton salt-tolerant germplasm.In this study,629 cotton germplasm re-sources were treated with 0 mmol L-1 and 150 mmol L-1 NaCl,and the salt tolerance coefficients of 6 traits such as fresh weight and germination potential were analyzed.The results showed that there were significant differences in each trait under salt stress compared with the control.Principal component analysis and membership function analysis were used to comprehensively evalu-ate the salt tolerance of cotton germplasm.Cluster analysis was carried out on the comprehensive evaluation value(D-value),and 629 germplasm resources were divided into 5 categories according to the D-value:188 medium salt-tolerant materials,376 salt-tolerant materials,36 high salt-tolerant materials,28 salt-sensitive materials,1 high salt-sensitive material.A prediction model for salt tolerance evaluation of cotton at germination stage was established by stepwise regression analysis:D = 0.277RFW +0.29RGP + 0.189RPL + 0.387RGR-0.32(R2 =0.992).Four indexes of fresh weight,hypocotyl length,germination potential,and germination rate were selected as the indexes of salt tolerance identification in cotton germination stage.In this study,a set of accurate and efficient salt tolerance identification system was established,and 4 high salt-tolerant materials and 1 high salt-sensitive material were screened,which providing the reference for the study of salt tolerance mechanism and the cultivation of new salt tolerant varieties in cotton.


塔里木大学农学院, 新疆阿拉尔 843300||新疆农垦科学院棉花研究所 / 农业农村部西北内陆区棉花生物学与遗传育种重点实验室, 新疆石河子 832000新疆农垦科学院棉花研究所 / 农业农村部西北内陆区棉花生物学与遗传育种重点实验室, 新疆石河子 832000新疆农垦科学院棉花研究所 / 农业农村部西北内陆区棉花生物学与遗传育种重点实验室, 新疆石河子 832000塔里木大学农学院, 新疆阿拉尔 843300||新疆农垦科学院棉花研究所 / 农业农村部西北内陆区棉花生物学与遗传育种重点实验室, 新疆石河子 832000新疆农垦科学院棉花研究所 / 农业农村部西北内陆区棉花生物学与遗传育种重点实验室, 新疆石河子 832000新疆农垦科学院棉花研究所 / 农业农村部西北内陆区棉花生物学与遗传育种重点实验室, 新疆石河子 832000新疆农垦科学院棉花研究所 / 农业农村部西北内陆区棉花生物学与遗传育种重点实验室, 新疆石河子 832000新疆农垦科学院棉花研究所 / 农业农村部西北内陆区棉花生物学与遗传育种重点实验室, 新疆石河子 832000新疆农垦科学院棉花研究所 / 农业农村部西北内陆区棉花生物学与遗传育种重点实验室, 新疆石河子 832000塔里木大学农学院, 新疆阿拉尔 843300


cottongermination stagesalt tolerancecomprehensive evaluation

《作物学报》 2024 (5)


本研究由新疆生产建设兵团第三师重大科技计划项目(KY2022ZD02),新疆生产建设兵团第三师科技创新人才项目(KJ2023PT01)和棉花生物学国家重点实验室开放课题(CB2022A27)资助.This study was supported by the Major science and Technology Plan Project of the Third Division of the Xinjiang Production and Construc-tion Corps(KY2022ZD02),the Science and Technology Innovation Talent Project of the Third Division of Xinjiang Production and Con-struction Corps(KJ2023PT01),and the State Key Laboratory of Cotton Biology(CB2022A27).

