

Analysis of Ground Penetrating Radar Wave Field Characteristics of Dam Face Disengaging Repaired by Polymer Grouting



In view of the effect of polymer grouting in repairing the dam face disengaging,the ground penetrating radar wave field of the dam face disengaging was studied.A calculation models of the dam with panel disengaging repaired by polymer grouting was established based on the finite-difference time-domain method and the perfectly matched layers boundary conditions.The effects of radar center frequency,degree of panel disengaging repair,size of disengaging area,face thickness and reinforcement on ground penetrating radar(GPR)wave field characteristics of the dam face disengaging repaired by polymer grouting were analyzed.The results showed that the resolution of GPR profile increased gradually with the increase of the excitation source center frequency.The horizontal interfa-cial reflection wave generated in the GPR profiles increased with the length of the disengaging area.The time inter-val between horizontal reflectors on the GPR profiles increased with the depth of the disengaging area.The ampli-tudes of the bypassed and diffracted waves in the disengaging repair area decreased with the increase of the dam face thickness.The electromagnetic waves emitted by the GPR encountered the steel reinforcement and generated a wave field.The reflected waves at the upper and lower interfaces of the disengaging area were divided by the strong bypass waves,which made it difficult to judge the horizontal length of the reflected waves.


郑州大学 黄河实验室,河南 郑州 450001||郑州大学 国家地方重大基础设施检测与修复技术联合工程实验室, 河南 郑州 450001郑州大学 黄河实验室,河南 郑州 450001||郑州大学 国家地方重大基础设施检测与修复技术联合工程实验室, 河南 郑州 450001郑州大学 黄河实验室,河南 郑州 450001||郑州大学 国家地方重大基础设施检测与修复技术联合工程实验室, 河南 郑州 450001郑州大学 黄河实验室,河南 郑州 450001||郑州大学 国家地方重大基础设施检测与修复技术联合工程实验室, 河南 郑州 450001



damspolymer groutingfinite-difference time-domainface disengagingground penetrating radarwave field characteristics

《郑州大学学报(工学版)》 2024 (3)




