

Research on the Impact of Venture Capital on Regional Technological Innova-tion from the Perspective of Spatial Spillover


以 2005-2018 年中国 31 个省份(不包含港澳台地区)的数据为研究样本,基于风险投资创新理论、区域创新理论以及空间集聚理论,从区域层面实证检验风险投资对技术创新的空间溢出效应,并结合风险投资活动的空间集聚分布特征,检验其对风险投资空间溢出效应的影响.研究发现,区域技术创新具有较强的空间相关性.风险投资对区域技术创新具有积极影响,且这种影响具有显著的空间溢出效应,即风险投资不仅会提升所处区域的技术创新,而且还会提升邻近区域的技术创新.该空间溢出效应受到空间集聚特征的调节,即相较于风险投资机构的空间集聚,创业企业的空间集聚更能强化风险投资对区域技术创新的空间溢出效应.因此,政府应创造更有吸引力的投资环境,鼓励风险资本向本地区集聚,完善知识产权保护政策,通过加强人才激励力度促进地区科研实力的提升.

Summary In the context of an open economy,the development of any region is influenced not only by internal factors but also by surrounding areas.Technological innovation activities inherently exhibit strong positive externalities,with resulting patent applications bringing noticeable spatial spillover effects.These spatial spillover effects,crucial to regional technological innovation,are increasingly discussed in current research.However,many existing studies focus primarily on externalities brought by venture capital at the enterprise level,neglecting the spatial spillover effects of venture capital at the regional level.Investigating the relationship between venture capital and regional technological innovation from a spatial spillover perspective helps elucidate regional disparities in the innovation process driven by venture capital.This contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of venture capital's innovative performance at the regional level in China,enhancing its marginal contribution to regional technological innovation. This article utilizes data from the Wind database,PEDATA MAX database,and CSMAR database.It is grounded in theories such as new economic geography,venture capital innovation,regional innovation,and spatial agglomeration.Using provincial-level data from 2005 to 2018,the article elucidates the mechanism of spatial spillover effects of venture capital on regional technological innovation.It examines the spatial agglomeration distribution characteristics presented by venture capital activities,including both venture capital institutions and entrepreneurial enterprises,to empirically test their impact on spatial spillover effects.Research findings include:(1)Regional technological innovation exhibits strong spatial correlation;(2)Venture capital positively impacts regional technological innovation,with significant spatial spillover effects,enhancing innovation not only within its operating region but also in neighboring areas;(3)Spatial spillover effects are influenced by spatial agglomeration characteristics,with the spatial agglomeration of entrepreneurial enterprises more effective in strengthening spatial spillover effects compared to venture capital institutions. This study reveals venture capital as a significant driver of regional technological innovation,with notable spatial spillover effects.To accelerate innovation in regional high-tech industries,guiding rational investment and utilization of regional venture capital is essential.Governments should create an attractive investment environment,promoting both the scale and quantity of venture capital.Introducing preferential policies and encouraging venture capital concentration within reasonable limits,whilesupporting related policies and establishing a favorable institutional environment,will foster long-term and stable investment cooperation between venture capital institutions and high-tech industries.


西安交通大学 经济与金融学院,陕西 西安 710061


venture capitalregional technological innovationspatial spilloverknowledge spilloverspatial agglomeration

《当代经济科学》 2024 (2)


