

Research on Feeder Automation Test Based on RTLAB Virtual Reality Combination


针对馈线自动化的功能测试问题,为避免配电终端接入实际配电网进行测试实验可能对电力系统的安全运行造成不利影响,同时为了提高测试的灵活性、效率性和正确性,文中提出了一种虚实结合的馈线自动化测试方法,利用RTLAB(Real Time Laboratory)实时全数字仿真器搭建配电网并模拟故障运行,设计具备保护、重合闸、就地式FA(Feeder Automation)功能的仿真型虚拟配电终端用于开展RTLAB实时仿真器与物理模型硬件在环仿真研究.文中设计的基于高性能线性功率放大器的接口实施方案被测配电终端接入测试系统形成闭环,构建了虚实结合的馈线自动化仿真测试环境.通过开展基本故障处理能力测试和容错能力测试的硬件在环仿真实验,验证了接口装置的准确性,同时验证了测试平台的有效性.

In view of the function test of feeder automation,in order to avoid the adverse impact on the safe op-eration of power system caused by the test experiment of distribution terminal connecting to the actual distribution net-work,and to improve the flexibility,efficiency and correctness of the test,a virtual and real feeder automation test method is proposed.The RTLAB(Real Time Laboratory)real-time full digital simulator is used to build the distri-bution network and simulate the fault operation.A simulated virtual distribution terminal with protection,recloser and in-place FA(Feeder Automation)functions is designed to carry out the RTLAB real-time simulator and physical model hardware simulation research.An interface implementation scheme based on high performance linear power amplifier is designed to form a closed-loop access test system for the measured distribution terminal,and an auto-matic simulation test environment combining virtual and real is constructed.The accuracy of the interface device and the effectiveness of the test platform are verified through the hardware-in-the-loop simulation experiment of the basic fault handling capability test and fault tolerance capability test.


贵州大学 电气工程学院,贵州 贵阳 550025贵州大学 电气工程学院,贵州 贵阳 550025贵州大学 电气工程学院,贵州 贵阳 550025贵州电网公司 电网规划研究中心,贵州 贵阳 550003贵州大学 电气工程学院,贵州 贵阳 550025



feeder automationRTLABcombination of virtual and realhardware in the looppower amplifierpower distribution terminalinterface devicefault test

《电子科技》 2024 (5)


第二批国家级新工科研究与实践项目(E-NYDQH-GC20202227)贵大人基合字(2011)21号 The Second Batch of National New Engineering Research and Prac-tice Projects of China(E-NYDQHGC20202227)Guizhou Univer-sity Natural Science Talent Introduction Program(2011)No.21.

