

Calibration of leaf area index of Larix principis-rupprechtii artificial pure forest in Liupanshan


为了提高植物冠层分析仪在测量森林叶面积指数时的精度和适用范围,在宁夏六盘山北部,选取不同林分特征的华北落叶松人工林,应用凋落物收集法测量华北落叶松人工林真实的叶面积指数,从而确定植物冠层分析仪测量的叶面积指数的误差范围,并进行校准.结果表明:(1)六盘山华北落叶松人工纯林的叶面积指数为 0~2.96,在 8-10 月呈现减小的趋势.(2)在生长季中期(7-9 月)植物冠层分析仪测得的叶面积指数偏小,误差范围在 0.03~0.38(1.41%~15.89%),而在生长季末期(10月)的测量值则偏大,误差范围在 0.04~0.86(1.67%~90.87%).(3)植物冠层分析仪测量产生误差与林分郁闭度、林分密度、树高、胸径等密切相关.因此,可通过构建林分特征与叶面积指数的多因素耦合模型,从而提高植物冠层分析仪的测量精度和适用范围.

We conducted this study in the northern part of Liupanshan in Ningxia,China,to improve the plant canopy analyzer accuracy and applicability in measuring the forest leaf area index(LAI).We selected different stand characteristics of North China larch plantations and applied the litter collection method to measure the true LAI of North China larch plantations to determine the plant canopy analyzer error range and calibrate it.Our results indicated the following:(1)the LAI of the artificial pure forest of North China larch in the Liupanshan area was 0-2.96,exhibiting a decreasing trend from August to October;(2)the LAI values measured by the plant canopy analyzer during the mid-growing season(July to September)were relatively small,with an error range of 0.03-0.38(1.41%-15.89%),while the values measured at the end of the growth season(October)were relatively large,with an error range of 0.04-0.86(1.67%-90.87%);and(3)the plant canopy analyzer-generated error measurements were closely related to forest canopy closure,forest density,tree height,diameter at breast height,and other factors.By constructing a multifactor coupling model between forest stand characteristics and LAI,the measurement accuracy and applicability range of the plant canopy analyzer can be improved.


山西农业大学林学院,山西 晋中 030801山西农业大学林学院,山西 晋中 030801



plant canopy analyzerleaf area indexlitter collection methodLarix principis-rupprechtii

《森林与环境学报》 2024 (3)



