

Genome-wide Association Analysis of F2 Tenderness in Texel sheep × Altay sheep


为了定位影响绵羊嫩度相关SNP位点及其重要候选基因,该研究选取462只特克赛尔羊×阿勒泰羊F2绵羊,其中公羔229只、母羔233只,所有试验羊均在统一条件下饲养至8月龄后进行屠宰,利用C-LM4嫩度仪对嫩度进行测定,利用Illumina绵羊高密度(600K)SNP芯片进行基因分型,使用GEMMA软件的MLM模型对嫩度性状进行全基因组关联分析.结果表明,经质控后,剩余613 178个SNPs位点用于全基因组关联分析,发现9个潜在SNPs位点与嫩度相关,分别分布在2、6、23、24号染色体上.根据基因生物学功能及相关研究文献,推测EREG、AREG、PDE1A基因参与肌肉再生、肌纤维形成等生物学过程,可作为影响嫩度的重要候选基因.研究结果可为利用分子生物学方法改良绵羊肌肉嫩度提供科学依据.

F2 individuals of 462 Texel sheep × Altay sheep were selected in this study,including 229 male lambs and 233 female lambs.All the experimental sheep were reared under uniform conditions until 8 months of age and then slaughtered.After slaughter,the tenderness was measured by C-LM4 tenderness meter.Illumina sheep high density(600K)SNP chip was used for genotyping,and the MLM model of GEMMA software was used for genome-wide association analysis of tenderness traits.After quality con-trol,the remaining 613178 SNPs were used for genome-wide association analysis,and a total of 9 potential SNPs were found to be related to tenderness on chromosomes 2,6,23,and 24,respectively.Based on the biological functions of genes and related literature,EREG,AREG and PDE1A genes were speculated to be involved in the biological processes of muscle regeneration and muscle fiber formation,and could be used as important candidate genes affecting tenderness.The aim of this study was to locate SNP sites related to sheep tenderness and their important candidate genes by genome-wide association analysis,so as to provide a scientific basis for improving sheep muscle tenderness by molecular biological methods.


新疆农业职业技术学院动物科技分院,新疆昌吉 831100昌吉市华牧动物门诊,新疆昌吉 831100新疆畜牧科学院生物技术研究所/农业农村部草食家畜遗传育种与繁殖重点实验室/新疆动物生物技术重点实验室,新疆乌鲁木齐 830000



tendernessTexel sheep × Altay sheepF2candidate genegenome-wide association a-nalysisSNP

《家畜生态学报》 2024 (004)

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