

Growth Performance and Economic Benefit Analysis of Duroc and PIC with Canadian Binary Sows


为了研究猪场引进和选育终端父本以及筛选出符合市场需求的商品猪组合,该试验选取不同品系/品种包括D系杜洛克、F系杜洛克、M系杜洛克和PIC公猪与2~4胎加系长大二元母猪进行杂交,测定母猪繁殖性能、育肥猪日增重、采食量、料肉比、死淘率以及经济效益等指标.结果显示:(1)在繁殖性能方面,D系杜洛克组(DC)总产仔数和产健仔数均显著高于M系杜洛克组(MC)(P<0.05);F系杜洛克组(FC)初生健仔窝重显著高于MC(P<0.05);MC组初生头均重显著高于PIC组(PC)(P<0.05).(2)商品猪生长性能方面,DC组达校正100 kg日龄最短;MC组170日龄料肉比显著高于PC组(P<0.05);DC组170日龄日增重显著PC组(P<0.05).DC组出栏重显著高于其他3组(P<0.05);平均日增重显著高于PC组(P<0.05).MC组出栏料肉比显著高于PC组(P<0.05);FC组出栏死淘率最低为2%.可见,在同等条件下,DC组产仔数最高且在生长速度方面具有明显优势,经济效益最好.

To introduce and select terminal father for pig farms,and select commercial pig combina-tions that meet the market demand,different lines and breeds,including Danish Duroc,French Duroc,A-merican Duroc and PIC boars were selected and crossed with 2~4 parities of Canadian line binary sows to determine the reproductive performance of sows,daily weight gain of fattening pigs,feed intake,feed-to-meat ratio,death and culling rate,and economic efficiency and other indexes.The results showed in terms of reproductive performance,the total litter size and healthy litter size of Danish Duroc group(DC)were significantly higher than those of American Duroc group(P<0.05).The litter weight of healthy newborns in French Duroc group(FC)was significantly higher than that in American Duroc group(MC)(P<0.05).Average birth weight in MC group was significantly higher than that in PIC group(P<0.05).In terms of growth performance of commercial pigs,DC group had the shortest age of 100kg of correction.The ratio of feed to meat in MC group at 170 days of age was significantly higher than that in PC group(P<0.05).The daily gain at 170 days of age in DC group was significantly higher than that in PC group(P<0.05).The slaughtering weight of DC group was significantly higher than that of the other three groups(P<0.05).The average daily gain in DC group was significantly higher than that in PC group(P<0.05).The ratio of feed to meat in MC group was significantly higher than that in PC group(P<0.05).FC group had the lowest death and culling rate of 2%.Under the same conditions of growth and fattening,Danish Duroc group line has the highest num-ber of litters and has obvious advantage in growth rate and the best economic benefit.


西北农林科技大学动物科技学院,陕西杨凌 712100大荔县众康家畜良种繁育有限公司,陕西大荔 715100渭南市农业技术推广中心,陕西渭南 714000陕西正能农牧科技有限责任公司,陕西西安 710000宝鸡市畜牧兽医中心,陕西宝鸡 721001



DurocPICcommercial pigsreproductive performancegrowth performance

《家畜生态学报》 2024 (004)

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