

Research on the Influence of Cavity Effect on Integrated Blackbody High-temperature Emissivity Measurement


提出集成黑体法中的非等温边界空腔效应修正因子的理论模型.基于有限元思想,开展不同发射率样品、特定温场下的非等温边界空腔效应修正因子理论计算,与基于蒙特卡洛光线追迹法获得的修正因子比对,两者具有良好的一致性,最大偏差不超过2.5%,结果均表明波长越长、样品发射率越低,空腔效应对发射率测量结果影响越大.在1 000 ℃温度下、12~14μm波长范围对铂金材料样品发射率进行实验,并与基于分立黑体法的发射率测量结果比对,经修正后的集成黑体法与分立黑体法的一致性从0.09提升至0.03,该结果验证了引入非等温边界空腔效应修正因子的理论模型的可行性,同时提高了该方法测量发射率的准确性.

Theoretical models for correction factors of non-isothermal boundary cavity effects in integrated blackbody method are proposed.Based on the finite element method,theoretical calculations of correction factors for non-isothermal boundary cavity effects are carried out under different emissivity samples and specific temperature fields.These calculations are compared with correction factors obtained based on the Monte Carlo ray tracing method,showing good agreement with a maximum deviation of no more than 2.5%.The results indicate that with longer wavelengths and lower sample emissivity,the cavity effect has a greater impact on emissivity measurement results.Emissivity measurements of platinum material samples are conducted at 1 000 ℃ temperature and within the wavelength range of 12~14 µm.These measurements are compared with results obtained using the discrete blackbody method.After correction,the consistency between the integrated blackbody method and the discrete blackbody method is improved from 0.08 to 0.03.This result verifies the feasibility of introducing correction factors for non-isothermal boundary cavity effects in the theoretical model and improves the accuracy of emissivity measurement using this method.


北京建筑大学,北京市建筑能源高效综合利用工程技术研究中心,北京 100044中国计量科学研究院,北京 100029长春理工大学,吉林长春 130022


radiation thermometryspectral emissivityintegrated blackbody methodcavity effectnon-isothermal boundary

《计量学报》 2024 (004)

520-526 / 7


