Observation of retinal blood flow density in patients with moderate to high myopia by global swept ultra-wide-angle OCTA
目的 采用全域扫频OCTA(图湃扫频OCTA)评估中高度近视人群视网膜血流密度的变化.方法 横断面研究.共纳入2022年3月1~31日在重庆爱尔眼科医院就诊中高度近视患者46例(90只眼),按照等效球镜(SE)将受检者分为中度近视组44只眼(-3.00 D<SE<-6.00 D)、高度近视组46只眼(SE≥-6.00 D).采用IOL Master测量眼轴(AL)、图湃扫频OCTA测量后极部视网膜血管密度,以黄斑中心凹为中心,以1、3、6、9、12 mm为直径分成5个同心圆,分成1、2、3、4、5个环,分别计算各环的视网膜血流密度.两组之间浅层视网膜血流密度的比较采用独立样本t检验.AL与浅层视网膜血管密度(SCPVD)、黄斑中心凹厚度(CRT)、FAZ面积之间的相关性采用Pearson或Spearman相关分析.结果 共纳入46例(90只眼),中度近视44只眼,男性24例,女性20例,年龄(30.73±4.27)岁,眼轴(24.94±1.24)mm;高度近视46只眼,男性27例,女性19例,年龄(32.11±8.38)岁,眼轴(26.30±1.35)mm.对两组的数据进行统计分析,两组之间在2、3、4环SCPVD有统计学意义(均P<0.01),两组之间1、5环SCPVD、FAZ、CRT差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05).AL与SCPVD呈负相关(均P<0.05),AL与CRT、FAZ之间无相关性(均P>0.05);CRT与各环SCPVD、FAZ之间无相关性(均P>0.05).结论 高度近视患者视网膜血流密度比中度近视患者低;AL与浅层视网膜血流密度呈负相关,与CRT、FAZ无相关性;CRT与视网膜浅层血流密度、FAZ无相关性.
Objective To assess changes in retinal blood flow density in people with moderate to high myopia us-ing full-field swept-frequency optical coherence tomography angiography(OCTA)(Tupai swept-frequency OCTA).Meth-ods A cross-sectional study.A total of 46 patients(90 eyes)with moderate to high myopia attending Chongqing Aier Eye Hospital from 2022.3.1 to 2022.3.31 were included,and divided into 44 eyes in the moderate myopia group(-3.00D<SE<-6.00 D)and 46 eyes in the high myopia group(SE≥-6.00 D)according to the equivalent spherical lens(SE).The intraocular lens(IOL)Master was used to measure the ocular axis(AL),and the new domestic full-field sweep OCTA(Tupai sweep OCTA)was used to measure the retinal vascular density and other indexes in the posterior pole.5 concentric circles were drawn with 1、3、6、9and 12 mm diameters,centered on the central macular recess,and divided into 1、2、3、4and 5 rings,and the retinal blood flow density was calculated for each ring separately.A comparison of superficial retinal blood flow density between the two groups was performed by independent sample t-test.Correlation between AL and superficial retinal vascular density(SCPVD),central macular concave thickness(CRT),and foveal avascular zone(FAZ)area were analyzed by Pearson or Spearman correlation.Results A total of 46 cases(90 eyes)were included,44 eyes with moderate myopia,24 males and 20 females,age(30.73±4.27)years,and eye axis(24.94±1.24)mm.46 eyes with high myopia,27 males and 19 females,age(32.11±8.38)years,and eye axis(26.30±1.35)mm.Statistical analysis was performed on the data of both groups.There was a statistically significant difference in 2、3、and 4 ring SCPVD between the two groups(P= 0.007;P<0.001;P<0.001),and no statistical difference in 1 and 5 ring SCPVD,FAZ,and CRT between the two groups(P=0.344,0.062,0.079,and 0.553).There was a negative correlation between AL and SCPVD(All P<0.05),no correla-tion between AL and CRT and FAZ(P>0.05).No correlation between CRT and each ring SCPVD and FAZ(all P>0.05).Conclusions Retinal blood flow density was lower in patients with high myopia thanin those with moderate myopia.AL was negatively correlated with superficial retinal blood flow density and not with CRT or FAZ.There was no correlation be-tween CRT and superficial retinal blood flow density or FAZ.
410015 长沙,中南大学爱尔眼科学院410015 长沙,中南大学爱尔眼科学院410015 长沙,中南大学爱尔眼科学院410015 长沙,中南大学爱尔眼科学院||400020 重庆,重庆爱尔眼科医院眼底病科
MyopiaAxial lengthRetinal blood flow densityOptical coherence tomography angiography
《临床眼科杂志》 2024 (2)