

Comparative analysis of lens stability and visual quality with α angle customized implantation of asymmetric segmental refractive multifocal intraocular lens SBL-3


目的 根据α角方向植入区域折射人工晶状体,使视轴避开过渡区,观察患者术后的远近视力及晶状体旋转稳定性.方法 回顾性病例研究.收集2021年1月至2022年9月在重庆眼视光眼科医院进行白内障超声乳化摘除联合SBL-3多焦点人工晶状体(MFIOL)植入术的患者67例(88只眼),术前使用OPD-Scan Ⅲ测得α角,于角膜缘标记定位,术中将视近区旋转到目标位置,使视轴最大程度避开过渡区.术后1个月、3个月随访远近视力、像差变化、视轴与过渡区的距离.结果 术后1 d、1个月、3个月,100%的患者视轴避开了过渡区,远视力、近视力、调制传递函数显著提高.结论 根据视轴方向植入区域折射MFIOL后很大程度上避免了视轴落在过渡区,术后视力恢复好,且术后旋转稳定性好.

Objective To analyze lens rotation stability and vision after implantation of asymmetric segmental re-fractive multifocal intraocular lens SBL-3(SBL-3 Mf-IOL)according to α angle.Methods Retrospectively collected 67 pa-tients who underwent phacoemulsification with SBL-3 Mf-IOL implantation from January 2021 to April 2022.The α angle and postoperative IOL rotation were measured by OPD Scan Ⅲ.According tated to ensure that visual axis avoid falling into transition zones.The vision of uncorrected distance visual acuity(UDVA)and uncorrected to α angle,the near zone of lens was ronear visual acuity(UNVA),4 mm range modulation transfer function(MTF)for preoperative and postoperative were were analyzed.Results 100%eyes avoid visual axis falling into transition zones,rotation postoperative data of one day,at one month and three months had no significant difference.There were statistically significant increased in UDNA,UNVA and MTF at most locations(P<0.05).Conclusions The method of SBL-3 Mf-IOL implantation according to α angle can largely avoid visual axis falling into transition zones,obtain good postoperative vision and IOL rotation stability.


400000 重庆眼视光眼科医院400000 重庆眼视光眼科医院


Visual axisThe α angleRotation stabilityVisual quality

《临床眼科杂志》 2024 (2)


