

A case of meyerson phenomenon around cavernous hemangioma


报告1例海绵状血管瘤伴发晕皮炎.患者男,23岁,因背部一暗紫红色结节20余年,周围出现境界清楚环状红斑丘疹伴瘙痒1 d就诊.皮肤科检查:患者背部见一直径约0.7 cm的暗紫红色结节,周围见约1 cm的环状红斑,伴少许丘疹.皮肤镜检查示:红色背景下皮损区域散在分布多个小的边界清楚的紫红色腔隙,周围可见淡红色环状背景下散在不规则分布的点状血管.皮损组织病理检查:表皮被覆鳞状上皮,真皮浅层和深层见大量大而不规则、大小不一的管腔、血窦,内含红细胞和纤维蛋白物质,血窦内衬单层内皮细胞.诊断:海绵状血管瘤伴晕皮炎.行手术切除中央暗紫红色结节后湿疹样皮炎消退,但1月余后血管瘤部分复发,无特殊不适,目前仍在随访中.

We report a case of the meyerson phenomenon around cavernous hemangioma.A 23-year-old male presented with a dark purplish red nodule on the back for over 20 years,and pruritic annular erythema and papules with clear boundaries around the nodule for 1 day.Dermato-logical examination revealed a dark purplish red nodule about 0.7 cm in diameter on the back,en-circled by a 1 cm diameter erythema with papules.Dermoscopic examination showed that several small purplish red cavities with clear boundaries and irregularly distributed dotted blood vessels on the skin lesion under the red background.The histopathology showed that the lesion was covered with squamous epithelium.Large irregular lumens,and sinusoids of different sizes contained red blood cells and fibrin in the superficial and deep dermis.The sinusoids were lined with a single layer of endothelial cells.The patient was diagnosed with the meyerson phenomenon around cav-ernous hemangioma.After surgical resection,the eczema-like dermatitis subsided.But hemangio-ma reoccurred without discomfort after more than 1 month.The patient is in follow-up.


南昌大学第二附属医院,江西 南昌 330006南昌大学第二附属医院,江西 南昌 330006


cavernous hemangiomahemangiomameyerson phenomenon

《皮肤性病诊疗学杂志》 2024 (4)


