

Selection of appropriate dosage of mifepristone suspension for preparation of incomplete EID models in mice


目的 选择米非司酮混悬液制备小鼠不完全型胚胎着床障碍(EID)模型的适宜剂量.方法 将32只昆明雌性小鼠随机分为4组,每组8只,低剂量组、中剂量组、高剂量组于妊娠第4天分别灌胃给予0.12、0.14、0.16 mL米非司酮混悬液(1 mg/mL)制备不完全型EID模型,对照组给予适量生理盐水,于妊娠第8天处死小鼠,采用ELLSA法检测血清雌二醇(E2)、孕酮(P),肉眼观察子宫形态,计算妊娠率及胚胎着床数,HE染色观察子宫内膜组织,免疫组化法检测子宫内膜组织孕激素受体(PR).结果 各组血清E2、P水平比较,P均>0.05.对照组全部妊娠,双侧子宫均匀增大,子宫血供丰富,胚胎着床点分布紧密且无出血点,胚胎发育良好;低剂量组全部妊娠,双侧子宫外观形态及胚胎发育无异常,子宫血供较对照组差;中剂量组全部妊娠,两侧子宫胚胎着床点分布不规则,部分胚胎着床处有积血,胚胎体积小,未着床处的子宫较细,颜色苍白,血供不佳;高剂量组仅有1只妊娠,双侧子宫形态规则,颜色苍白,血供较差,双侧子宫弹性差.高剂量组妊娠率低于其他3组,P均<0.05.与低剂量组、对照组比较,中剂量组、高剂量组胚胎着床数少(P均<0.05);与中剂量组,高剂量组胚胎着床数少(P<0.05).对照组子宫内膜间质广泛蜕膜化反应,腺体数量多,腺腔面积大,腺腔内含有分泌物,小血管增生;低剂量组子宫内膜间质蜕膜明显,腺体数量多;中剂量组子宫内膜有蜕膜化改变,间质较致密,腺体较少而小,血管扩张不明显;高剂量组子宫内膜间质区蜕膜化不完全,腺体小而少,分泌不足,内膜间质致密,仍呈增生期样改变,发育明显滞后.与对照组和低剂量组比较,中剂量组、高剂量组PR AOD减少(P均<0.05);与中剂量组比较,高剂量组PR AOD减少(P<0.05).结论 米非司酮制备小鼠不完全型EID模型稳定可靠,适宜剂量为0.16 mL/只(1 mg/mL).

Objective To select the appropriate dosage of mifepristone suspension to prepare the mouse models of incomplete embryo implantation dysfunction(EID).Methods Thirty-two Kunming female mice were randomly divided into four groups:the control group,the low-dose,medium-dose,and high-dose groups,with 8 mice in each group.Mice in the low-dose group,medium-dose group,and high-dose group were given 0.12,0.14,and 0.16 mL of mifepristone suspension(1 mg/mL)by gavage on the 4th day of pregnancy to prepare the incomplete EID models.Mice in the control group were given an appropriate amount of normal saline,and the mice were euthanized on the 8th day of pregnancy.Se-rum estradiol(E2)and progesterone(P)were detected using ELISA.Uterine morphology was observed by naked eye,pregnancy rate and embryo implantation number were calculated,and endometrial tissue was observed by HE staining.Progesterone receptor(PR)in the endometrial tissues was detected by immunohistochemistry.Results No significant difference was found in the serum E2 or P levels between groups(all P>0.05).The control group had all pregnancies,with evenly enlarged uterus on both sides,abundant uterine blood supply,tightly distributed embryo implantation points without bleeding points,and good embryo development.The low-dose group had all pregnancies,and there were no abnor-malities in the appearance and embryonic development of the bilateral uterus;the uterine blood supply was worse than that of the control group.The medium-dose group had all pregnancies,with irregular distribution of embryo implantation points on both sides of the uterus;some embryos had blood accumulation at the implantation site,and the embryo volume was small;the uterus at the non-implantation site was thinner,pale in color,and had poor blood supply.The high-dose group only had one pregnancy,with regular bilateral uterine morphology,pale color,poor blood supply,and poor bilateral uter-ine elasticity.The pregnancy rate of the high-dose group was lower than those of the other three groups(all P<0.05).Com-pared with the low-dose group and control group,the number of embryo implantation in the medium-dose group and high-dose group was smaller(P<0.05);compared with the medium-dose group,the high-dose group had smaller embryo im-plantation number(P<0.05).The control group had extensive decidualization reaction in the endometrial stroma,with a large number of glands and a large glandular cavity area;the glandular cavity contained secretions with small vessel prolif-eration.The low-dose group showed significant endometrial stromal decidua and a large number of glands;the endometri-um of the medium-dose group showed decidualization changes,with denser stroma,fewer and smaller glands,and less ob-vious vascular dilation;the high-dose group had incomplete decidualization in the endometrial stromal area,with small and few glands,insufficient secretion,dense endometrial stroma,still showing proliferative phase like changes,and signif-icantly delayed development.Compared with the control group and the low-dose group,the PR AOD of the medium-dose group and the high-dose group decreased(both P<0.05);compared with the medium-dose group,the high-dose group showed a decrease in PR AOD(P<0.05).Conclusion The preparation of incomplete EID mouse models using mifepris-tone is stable and reliable,with an appropriate dose of 0.16 mL/mouse(1 mg/mL).


新疆医科大学第一附属医院生殖医学中心,乌鲁木齐 830054新疆医科大学第一附属医院生殖医学中心,乌鲁木齐 830054||新疆生殖免疫临床医学研究中心||省部共建中亚高发病成因与防治国家重点实验室



mifepristoneembryo implantation failureincomplete embryo implantation dysfunction

《山东医药》 2024 (012)


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