

Swimming trajectory and kinematic pattern of red crucian carp in a sudden expansion flow field


鱼类对水流环境的游泳行为响应机制对鱼类的生态保护和仿生应用都有重要的意义.本研究以红鲫鱼为对象,利用高速摄影技术和ANSYS FLUENT数值模拟软件,分析了鱼类在台阶绕流形成的突扩流场中的游泳行为,考察了不同水力参数下鱼游轨迹及运动模式.通过分析不同行进过程中的鱼体形态,得到鱼摆尾频率、转角、摆幅和身体变形波长、波速等运动特征参数,并分析了各运动参数与水流及运动模式之间的关系.结果表明:红鲫鱼在突扩流场中采用直接沿主流突进和绕回流区上行这两种典型的上溯轨迹;当沿主流直接上溯时,鱼体运动模式与其在均匀流场中类似,鱼游速度、摆尾频率、头部摆角和尾部摆幅等运动参数随当地流速增加而增加;当绕回流区上溯时,鱼体运动模式与其在均匀流中的运动模式有较大区别,摆尾频率、摆幅和变形波长等运动参数随其在流场中所处的位置不同有较大变化;各运动参数中只有摆动频率与当地流速有显著的相关关系;该模式下鱼的头部摆角与尾部摆幅、变形波长和运动相位差之间有明显的相关关系.本研究结果加深了人们对鱼类在复杂流场中游动机理的认识,为鱼类仿生应用和生态保护提供基础支撑.

Clarifying the response mechanism of fish swimming to surrounding flow environment is important for eco-logical protection and bionic application of fishes.Using high speed video technology and ANSYS FLUENT numeri-cal simulation software,we monitored the swimming behaviors of red crucian carp in a sudden expansion flow and investigated the trajectory and kinematic pattern of fish in flow with different hydraulic parameters.By analyzing the variation of body profiles during swimming,the kinematic parameters(tail beat frequency,head swing angle,flap-ping amplitude,wavelength and wave speed of body deformation)were measured and the relationships between the kinematic parameters and the flow parameters were analyzed.The results showed that red crucian carp exploited two typical migration trajectories in the flow field,namely,directly backtracking upstream along the mainstream and meandering upstream around the backflow.When backtracking along the mainstream directly,the motion of fish was similar to that in the uniform flow field,in which the kinematic parameters such as swimming speed,tail beat fre-quency,head swing angle,tail flap amplitude increased with increasing local flow velocity.When meandering around the reflux area,the motion of fish was different from that in uniform flow,with the kinematic parameters var-ying greatly as its position changing in the flow field.Swing frequency was the single kinematic parameter showing a significant correlation with local flow velocity.There were obvious correlations between head swing angle and tail swing amplitude,deformation wavelength and motion phase difference under this mode.Our results deepen the understanding of swimming mechanism of fish in complex flow fields and provide basic support for bionic application and ecological protection of fishes.


武汉理工大学,新材料力学理论与应用湖北省重点实验室,武汉 430070长江科学院水力学研究所,武汉 430015


red crucian carpsudden expansion flow fieldswimming behaviorkinematic characteristics

《生态学杂志》 2024 (004)


937-945 / 9


