

MIX-GARCH-L Model Based on New Weight Function and Its Application



This paper introduces a new weight function and constructs a new volatility model—MIX-GARCH-L model.The new model can fully utilize high and low frequency data to extract more valuable information.In response to the problem of param-eter estimation in the new model,this paper proposes a parameter estimation method for the MIX-GARCH-L model to analyze the theoretical properties of the estimator,proves the corresponding central limit theorem,and uses the Service-Bootstrap method to simulate and test the data performance of the estimator.The proposed model has the following advantages:The new weight func-tion can better automatically adjust the weight allocation for different trading days based on changes in trading characteristics,so that the weight assigned to each high-frequency trading day is consistent with the impact effect of future volatility.The new volatil-ity model can utilize a variety of high-frequency trading data within the same trading process,and make better use of information,so that MIX-GARCH-L model has better prediction accuracy and prediction advantages.The empirical results show that the MSPE value of the MIX-GARCH-L model is significantly smaller than that of the GARCH-RV model and GARCH-M model,in-dicating that the MIX-GARCH-L model not only has better prediction accuracy in model prediction,but also has better perfor-mance in robustness.


重庆工商大学数学与统计学院,重庆 400067重庆对外经贸学院 大数据与智能工程学院,重庆 401520重庆工商大学长江上游经济研究中心,重庆 400067



mixed frequency datanew weightvolatilityparameter estimationnumerical simulation

《统计与决策》 2024 (8)



